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"What are you doing?" Taehyun peeked over my shoulder, which surprised me by the action.

"Working" came out single word. Taehyun only nodded with jutted lower lips and moved away. I somehow felt distracted. I'm not used to have people around me when I'm working. I glanced at Taehyun who was watching the television with popcorn again on his hand.

I shook my head and continued working on the job application since I quit my job as a waiter. I always wanted to work at a huge company, not like a singer or like that but just..somebody..but I still worked at the cafe. It was weird how the angel behave around me and how my mood became a bit lighter than usual. Maybe because angels tend to make people happy by their presence.

I looked at the job application and sighed.

Taehyun's p.o.v
I glanced lazily at the TV. I didn't want to watch TV. I wanted to go outside and see human world, but Nayomi seemed busy and I didn't have a heart to annoy the girl. I probably get scolded too. I turned my head back once I heard a shuffling sound from the kitchen.


It was Nayomi rummaging the fridge. I floated to her slowly with a popcorn bucket in my hand.

"What happened?" I peeked from Nayomi's shoulder.

"Damn it!" Nayomi jumped in surprised. "Don't do that" she stared at me in horror.
"Sorry" I grinned. "Can you just walk like normal human? I don't like when you're floating around the house. By the way, where did you get that popcorn?" she pointed to the red bucket in my hands. I glanced down at the bucket.

"Oh, I made it"

"Where did you get the corn? I don't remember keeping any and you didn't leave the house since yesterday" Nayomi narrowed her eyes.

"I... just made it? Why? Do you want any? I can make it for you" I happily grinned. Nayomi rubbed her nape uneasily. "Well, if that's okay" Nayomi shyly admitted. Her eyes blinked rapidly.

"Okay" I beamed. I extend my right hand and made Nayomi raised one of her eyebrow. I then clicked my fingers and plop! There's a full bucket of popcorn in front of us. Nayomi's eyes nearly jumped out from it's socket.

"H-How did you do that?" she seemed still shocked.

My p.o.v
"I... just did it, you know. I can do anything that I want as long as it is a good intention" Taehyun shrugged. I wanted to ask more but I decided I already talked too much and I didn't want to be nice to the angel. Even if he's angel, he's still stranger and I never liked stranger. I just grabbed the popcorn and went to my room.

Taehyun's p.o.v
I pouted. "Not even a thank you?" I gloomily went back to the living room. I was no longer in the mood to watch TV. "I'll just sleep then" I widened my wings and cover my body. No blanket for me.

My p.o.v
This should be passed. I thought. I tapped my finger on my thigh. I just sent my application. Hoping that the company would accept me. I had done this like three times and still got rejected. I bit my lip. Okay..calm down, they will accept you.

A week later..
"Nayomi Park" my name being called and I took a deep breath before entering the room and met the CEO.

"Hello" was all I said. "Hello, Ms.Park. I supposed you're the one who sent thi-these application?" a man said with sand-brown hair greeting me. "Yes"

"Okay, I won't make this long, but we decided to take you in" the CEO smiled professionally at me and I couldn't be happier. My eyes twinkled with excitement.
"Thank you sir" I sent him a small smile.

"I'm the CEO here. My name is Kim Namjoon" he introduced himself. "I'm Nayomi Park. I currently work in a café" I confidently answered the man.

I walked happily on the pedestrian way. I couldn't believe CEO has just accepted me.

I passed the supermarket. I stopped and turned left to enter it. Taehyun was right. My fridge was lack of food and I thought maybe spoiling myself a little won't hurt, and I couldn't eat ramyeon forever. Not that I can't cook, I just didn't have much time to do the housework. Now that I has an angel living with me, maybe cooking wasn't a bad idea. I remembered my conversation with Taehyun before,

"Nayomi, if you passed by the supermarket or market or anything to buy grocery, can you get me shrimps? I like shrimps!" Taehyun said to me when Icwas about to go to work.
"Maybe" was all I said before closing the door.

I scanned through the seafood corner to find the shrimps. I found one pack and quickly shove it to the shopping cart.
"What kind of shrimp does he actually want? There's lots of shrimps" I hissed but I continued to walk. "He doesn't have phone how am I going to call him if he needs anything?" I clicked my tongue. "Well, whatever" I tossed the shrimp to the cart.

When I arrived home,I didn't expect such a calm aura around my house. I locked the door and went straight to the kitchen. I glanced at the living room. No angel detected.

Where is he?

I put the groceries in fridge and quickly find Taehyun. When I passed my bedroom, I stopped. Taehyun was there, sleeping peacefully on my bed with his wing as a blanket. I stood there for a moment before shaking my head and came inside to take my blanket. I was lucky the couch is clean enough.

"YOU REALLY BOUGHT ME THE SHRIMPS!" a loud shriek woke me up in the morning. I groaned while continue on rolling in my blanket.

"Nayomi!" Taehyun suddenly appeared next to me. I didn't move. "Nayoooommmmiiiii!" Taehyun called louder. I responded by covering myself more. "Nayomi Park!" shouted Taehyun into my ear.

"Go away" I whispered, loud enough for Taehyun. Taehyun puffed his cheeks and put his hand on his hips.

"Wake up Nayomi" Taehyun touched me and poked me several times. I flinched when Taehyun accidentally poked my waist. "Ohoho..." Taehyun grinned evilly. He then tickled my waist.

"Yah! You!" I rolled to the side to avoid Taehyun's attack but he keep on tickling me. "FINE FINE! I'M AWAKE!" I jumped to sit. I looked so annoyed and Taehyun felt a little guilty. "What?" I asked, rubbing my neck.
"Oh! Uh... I just wanna say thanks, you bought the shrimps" Taehyun grinned innocently. I immediately stopped and lifted my face to see Taehyun.

"You woke me just because that damn shrimps?" I was pissed. "Yes! You don't know how much I love shrimps! And we can use it for-"

"Get out" I cut Taehyun. My voice was stern and cold. "Get out of my sight" I gestured Taehyun to the door.

"W-What..?" Taehyun's smile dropped. "Are you.. are you m-mad?" Taehyun took a step closer and my hand raised, signaling Taehyun to stop.

"Don't" I sighed. "Don't ever show your face in front of me anymore. I can't live with you. You're too annoying and I hate it. And for fuck's sake it's Saturday and I hate being woken up on Saturday morning. You said you already watched me for months but look" I stared at Taehyun coldly. "You don't even know my habit nor my daily life. You might be observing me for months but you don't even understand a thing. So, go. Leave me alone. Go back to your place where ever it is. Heaven? Cloud? Wonderland? Whatever, I don't care" I stood up and threw the blanket. Leaving Taehyun with tight feeling in his chest and glassy eyes.

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