Death the Kid x Older Sister! Reader

Start from the beginning

3rd POV:

Kid watched helplessly as his sister came into a state of depression. He rubs the back of his neck while the others stare at you in confusion. Lord Death sweat drops, "Oh boy, here we go again" While you were crying in a small ball, Kid sat next to you and looked up at everyone, "Need I mention that she is my sister and has lived with me almost all her life? My love for symmetry was passed to her so now..." He points to your curled form with a annoyed expression. Black Star laughs, "So you both are like that?! If I would've known that, I can't even imagine the look on her face when I broke part of the school today" You stopped your wallowing when that detail slipped out. Kid's eyes widened, "You did what?!" Both siblings shot up, a dangerous glint in their eye. The professor from before smirks and turns the bolt in his head clockwise, "That was a terrible mistake you just made... Now the two will probably be violent, wonder how this will end" Stein says, somewhat excited to see the Reaper girl fight. He was aware that she was a weapon and has been curious as of what weapon she is. She was her own meister, which is a rare thing, and mostly worked alone unless her brother was in need of assistance. But that was long ago, she's well known to be a skilled fighter in combat.

She was too old to be a student at the school, being 20, but helped collect Kishin souls with her brother. Speaking of the said siblings, both were beyond angry with the assassin who was laughing out loud, "So what, that just means that I'll get a round three with Lord Death's son and fight his daughter!" Your eye twitched in annoyance, he was seriously starting to piss you off and you desperately wanted to beat the crap out of him. You close your eyes and exhale slowly, "You will not fight me nor get a round three, although I never knew about one or two Kid, with my brother" You open your eyes and regain your posture, keeping a straight face. Your brother stared at you with mild shock, "What-" "Can I speak with you outside, Kid?" He nods, confusion showing in his eyes as you both walk out. Stein sighs, "Oh, what a shame. I guess I'll have to wait next time" The others stare in shock and confusion, except for your father of course. He sighs, "I'm happy to see her calm down Kid... Those two can be such a handful" Lord Death can only remember the two when younger, how energetic and unstable they were. Chuckling to himself he reminisces back to when they were younger.


Kid recently turned eight while [y/n] was 13. The two were in the Death Room with their father, minding their own business. The Reaper girl was singing quietly and drawing, her brother sitting next to her watching her accurate work of art. He was mesmerized by the way you drew, making the art look beautiful and breath taking."Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high. And the dreams that you dreamed of, once in a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly. And the dreams that you dreamed of, dreams really do come true" Kid giggled, "Princess, why did you stop?" You smile at your brother, "Because," you hand Kid the picture, "I finally finished my drawing, which means you can keep it!" He gasps in shock and his gold eyes widen with excitement. It was nothing to exciting really, it was just a drawing of a rose. To Kid it meant a lot though, and you can tell because of the big smile he had on his face.

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