Death the Kid x Older Sister! Reader

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Bonding Together~

{Y/n}'s POV:
"Times been ticking, hearts are running. Think that Cupid's up to something, you ask me how I feel, I say nothing" I sing to myself as I walk down the hallway of the DWMA. I'm gonna meet up with father, apparently there are some important matters to take care of? I quietly sing, making sure I don't bother the other classes, and reach the doors to where father usually is. I put my up my [h/c] and white hair in a ponytail, making sure it's even. Living with my brother, I've sadly gotten the nerve to fix anything that seemed asymmetrical. I'm practically a older female version of him... It's no wonder I don't have a significant other. Entering the spacious room, I see with bright gold eyes none-other than my father himself, "Hello father, you called for me?" He turns around and jumps happily, "Hey hey hey! How are you [y/n]?" He happily says in his normal bubbly voice. I smile, "I'm doing fine, you called for me?" He nods and moves over, only for me to see my brother and some other kids I've never seen. I was more interested in my sibling, seeing that he was on the floor in despair, "I'm asymmetrical garbage! A filthy, pig!! I shouldn't be on this planet!!" Two girls, who I assume are his partners, were trying to calm him down but to no avail. I sigh, "My poor poor baby brother..." I walk up to the kids and smile, "I see that he's having another breakdown?" A girl with sandy blonde pigtails nods, "It was our last mission, apparently one side of his hair isn't symmetrical to the other side"

A boy with white hair takes notice of me, "Who are you by the way?" I smile at him, "I'm [full name], but I'm known for being called-" "Death Princess" I heard from behind, to see it was one of the professors. I nod, "I'm Kid's big sister" "Wait, Kid has a sister?!" I hear the boy with spiky blue hair exclaim. Who I assume to be his partner, a girl with long black hair smiles kindly, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Tsubaki and this is my meister Black Star" Said boy grins, "So you're a shinigami huh? Well, be prepared because in the future I'm going to surpass God!!" I giggle in response which causes him to smile bigger. "I'm Maka and my weapon Soul" Soul waves and I bow to the two students. I turn my attention to my little brother, "Kid?" He stops his rant and looks up at me with tear filled eyes. Taking a look at his hair I gasp a little, it was asymmetrical. "Princess? What are you doing here?" "Father said there was an emergency... I can see why now" I place my hands on both sides of his head and put my forehead on his, mumbling a chant. I open my eyes and move back, smiling at my work, "Done!" Kid turns towards the mirror, looking left and right. We both stand and he smiles, "Thanks Princess" "Only for my baby brother" He glares at me with annoyance and I smirk. He always hated it when I called him baby brother, it makes him feel "immature". The two girls that tried comforting him approached me, "Thanks, I'm pretty sure he was beginning to have a panic attack" "Haha~ Ooh~ You're pretty" I blush slightly and smile, "Um thank you, and don't worry about it. I'm used to helping Kid with this. I don't think I've ever met you before, are you his weapons?" Both girls nod, "I'm Liz and she's Patty" I smile and bow, Kid looks at me with a raised brow, "Aren't you supposed to be in Tokyo?" "Father called me in"

He sighs, "This mission went terrible, first the building was completely horrifying to look at, then the attacker messed with my hair" it was my turn to sigh as I pull my brother into a hug. He was startled but soon gave in, nuzzling into me. We did this a lot when we were kids, if he was upset I would hug him until he was better. I look at our father who seemed to be gushing at the scene before him, "Aww, my kids having a moment together! I haven't seen you two like this since Kid was 10 and [y/n] was 15~" The both of us let go and a red tint spreads on our face, "He's doing it again..." "Father, please don't embarrass me in front of my friends" The small giggles and laughs coming from the others made it worse, to where I had to cover my face. Black Star speaks up, "If you're related, why does Kid have 3 white stripes and you have all white on one side?" I make an inaudible noise as I slowly drop to the floor. "Oh no...." I can hear my brother say and I end up curling into a ball. "I don't know why I'm like this... Why is one side white and the other [h/c], it doesn't make sense. At least Kid's hair is all black, why can't my hair be like his?! I'm so asymmetrical, I can't even look in the mirror without being horrified"

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