I was just checking out some old pictures of Chris and I when we'd be out by the water or I'd be tryna hang out with his friends for some song inspiration when Caroline appeared through the door frame telling me she was going to the store for some medicine.

Caroline's POV:

I knew from the beginning of this, "sickness," that it wasn't anything like Luke had described his symptoms. I had nauseating headaches, stomach cramps, lower back pains and puffy sore feet, along with morning sickness.

I felt as if I'd already known what was going on but I didn't wanna scare Luke off with such a drastic assumption. I needed to get my hands on a pregnancy test and fast. I told Luke I was going to the drug store to get more medicine but we all know what I was going for instead.

"Don't worry you just rest I'll go get you some, stay here and rest I don't want you moving." He said getting up. I pushed him back down.

"No I need to get some fresh air I'll be back soon." I said leaning down to kiss him.

His lips met mine and just as quick as they got together I made them back away. I slipped out the door with the truck keys in hand and sped out towards the nearest CVS. I parked the truck up front and locked it after making a game plan on how I'd hide the box so no fans would recognize me and spill any news before I got the chance to tell the father himself.

I bravely walked inside and was greeted by the cashier. I said hello back and made my way to the woman's aisle. My hands were shaking as I reached for a box of ClearBlue pregnancy test. I threw them into my basket and kept on walking. I grabbed Luke some original Lays potato chips, his favorite and me a can of Arizona tea then headed towards checkout.

The woman scanned my items, no questions asked and I went on my way. When I got back home Luke was waiting for me in the living room. I grabbed the box of test and chucked it upstairs resulting in a really loud thud that caught his attention.

"What was that?" His vision shifted in my direction.

"I kicked my shoe off and I flew further than I expected." I lied tossing my shoe aside before he could see.

"Oh alright, you feel any better?"

"Um yeah I haven't gotten to take my medicine, but I got you some of your favorite chips." I said pulling out the yellow bag of Lays.

"Thank you baby, you didn't have to though." He said kissing my hair.

"No problem, love you." I said kissing his lips.

"I love you too."

"I'm gonna get back to writing this one song is taking forever." He marched off towards his music room and shut the door.

I ran upstairs and grabbed the box then headed towards the bathroom. I chugged down my tea and waited until it hit me. I peed on the white and blue stick then set it aside. I did the same process 2 more times, I wanted a for sure answer on such a big subject.

I waited around 3-5 minutes as the directions suggested I do. Finally I took in a deep breath and took a good long look at the first stick that had been set aside. In little bold black letters it read:


I looked at the second one:


and finally the last one had the same answer:


Tears of joy and fear filled my eyes my heart was pumping tons faster than it had ever had before. I was inprexgnanted by the man of my dreams. Now all I had to do was let him know.

Without any notice I made a quick run to the nearest Babies-R-Us and picked out a unisex baby blanket along with a gift bag and some tissue paper. I tried to be quick with everything, I put my first test into the blanket and rolled it up before putting in the actual gift bag together.

I prepared myself for the worst before walking through the the front door. I'd tried to be quiet while closing the door but failed Luke came running like a dog when it sees the mail man before hitting me with tons of questions in where I'd been this whole time.

"I was worried but thank you you're okay. Please don't ever leave me out of the blue like that again." He said out of breath.

"I'm sorry I was..."

"You were what making me worried?" His tone shifted.

"The worst possible scenarios were constantly playing through my head. I'm just glad you're safe." He said pulling me into a hug.

"Let's go sit down I need to talk to you about something." I said dragging him along with me.

"What is that?" He asked pointing towards the bag.

"That what I wanna talk to you about." I sat the red bag in front of him.

He pulled out the tissue paper one by one before getting to the blanket. He looked up at me for a slight second before continuing on the the gift. He unrolled the blanket and reached for the pregnancy test. He gulped and looked back up at me, tears were at the brim of his eyes.

"Are you?" He asked with a trembling voice. I nodded yes. He threw the test down and ran towards me his hug reassured me that everything was gonna be ok.

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