Chapter 2: The Brown Eyed Girl

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Chapter 2: The Brown Eyed Girl

Me and Emmett spent the next 3 days unpacking and cleaning and straightening up the house. We needed a boys night out. So we decided to go to the club tonight. Emmett decided to go into the heart of Forks and go to Club 18. It is a bar and dance club. In this particular club you only need to be 18 to enter and drink. Since we are 19 we can go. I hopped out of the shower and grabbed a tight white shirt, black leather jacket, black nikes, and dark jeans. I grabbed my black rolex watch. I went down stairs. Em was at the front door waiting for me. Emmett was dressed similar. He had a brown leather jacket with a dark green shirt underneath. We hopped in my silver sleek Volvo. It was a 30 minute drive to Club 18. The whole time Emmett would not shut up about all the girls and how hot they would be. When we got there I pulled into the vallet. I tossed the guy my keys. We walked into the club. The lights were dark. There were neon lasers and music blaring. It was packed for it only being 6 pm. Emmett immidiately caught a blonde girls attention. I on the other hand had many girls staring and following me. I went to the bar and ordered a drink.

As I sat drinking my second glass, I looked around for Emmett. He was occupied by grinding on the blonde chick he saw when walked in. We had been here for 2 hours and I could not stand it. I was having no fun. I mean girls were all around me. Like my dad said, majority only wanted my money or looks. I decided to leave. I did not even tell Emmett. I just left. I got my car back in one piece from the vallet. I decieded to go to the music store.

When I got to the store, there were 3 other customers in the store. I began to look at the wall of guitars. I slowly took one down. As I was taking it down, someone walked into me causing me to drop the guitar. It broke. I turned to see who bumped into me. I was met by a beutiful pair of chocolate brown eyes. I forgot everything. Where I was. Who I was. What happened. All that matter was this beautiful girl. She was breathtakingly beautiful. She was holding a stack of blank music sheets in her delicate hands. I looked her over up and down. She was not tall, but not short. Four inches shorter than myself. She had silky brown hair that went down to her waist. She had elegant waves to it. Her face was flawless, pale, perfect. Her long eyelashes. Her bottom lip was a little too big for her top lip. Her body was curvy. Perfectly curved. Her waist was small. She was skinny. Her breasts were large but not huge. Her legs and arms were thin with muscle. She had on a tight V neck shirt, jeans, and boots. She had a gucci purse as well. We stood there staring at eachother for a few minutes.

"Oh. Um I am so sorry. I will pay for the guitar. I am such a clutz." She spoke. She had an angels voice, like music to my ears.

"No its perfectly fine. I am Edward Cullen." I spoke reaching out my hand. She placed her hand in mine.

"Isabella Swan." She spoke. I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it softly.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." I spoke smoothly.

"The pleasure is all mine." She spoke softly.

"Would you like to got to the lounge and get some coffee in the back of the store?" I asked.

"I would love too." she spoke. I led the way to the back lounge.

"So Isabella what would you like?" I asked.

"Bella, and a latte." She spoke.

"Ah, Bella means beautiful that fits you perfectly." I spoke she blushed red. I flashed her a grin. She looked at me in a daze. I winked, then walked to counter and ordered 2 lattes. When they were done we sat in the been bags in the corner. We chatted as we drank our latte.

"So. Your the Edward Cullen?" She asked.

"The one and only." I spoke. She giggled at that.

"Wow. You are an idol to me. I wish I could the piano as good as you do." She spoke.

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