Hands of time

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As the world twirls and whirls,as the sky above changes hues,as seasons change,as time fleets,and as we slowly succumb to the hands of time,how I wish you were here...Look at what we've become...a somebody in our own shoes .Why do the colours slowly fade away?Why do we grow apart with every passing day?The glitters and sparks are long gone now . Shades of grey now fill our world..
I still remember those lazy days,when we saw the sun spread it's smile.I remember those silent nights when we counted the thousand twinkling stars.I remember those autumn noons when we saw the clouds change form.And...I remember those days when the beats of your heart was my favourite song....
Only if I had known they would never last.....

Why did it all have to change?Why did WE have to change?I can see myself fall apart....I can see our world crashing down....

Your name still haunts me day and night...and that's how I know that my love was true...
I know that's it time to let go....but what's life without a little hope?
So I do nothing but hold on...with the hope someday ...our dreams will come true.

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