"Jiyong?" Even though Seungri was clearly shocked by Jiyong's action, he did not make any move to move away or to remove Jiyong's warm arm. In fact, he pushed himself closer.

"Shut up. I'm making sure you don't die on me because I don't want to go to jail for suspected homicide," Jiyong quickly explains, making sure his tone was harsh and did not betray the tingling feeling in his chest. They stood together, bodies pressed together in silence once again. A couple of seconds later, Jiyong heard a small voice whispering against his ears, "What is it called when you kill your buddy?" Jiyong hummed, indicating for Seungri to answer his own question.


And Jiyong pushed Seungri right out of the door the exact moment the bus stopped moving.


"Goddamnit Jiyong," growling as he walked faster to keep up with Jiyong's pace, Seungri tried to warm his arms by rubbing them constantly when Jiyong stopped and placed a slender finger against his pink lips.

"I want you to call me hyung, you brat. I'm at least two years older than you," the older smirked when he saw that Seungri's eyes widen in surprise at the finger against his mouth. Well, at least, he now knew it wasn't completely impossible to tame this foul-mouthed little shit. As he started walking again, this time with Seungri by his side, a really familiar face caught Jiyong's attention.

"Kiko!" he called out, startling Seungri. The said woman turned around from her own group of friends and waved at Jiyong. He waved back and Seungri stared at them in confusion. What? Who was this woman? And what was her relationship with his Jiyongie hyung— oh my god, did Seungri just call Jiyong 'his Jiyongie hyung'? Fuckadeefuckfuck, what was wrong him?

"Hey Jiyong," the 'Kiko' woman jogged up to them after talking to her friends for a few moments. She gave Jiyong a hug that was way too long and intimate for Seungri's liking (shit, what was actually wrong with him). And what made Seungri even more mad and confused because what the fuck? Why was he getting angry? Jiyong embraced the woman back with the same amount of enthusiasm. Was he jealous that these both were beautiful and looked even more gorgeous together? Yeah, that was probably it. He was only envious of their beauty, nothing else.

"Haven't seen you in a long time," Jiyong patted Kiko's back and finally let go of her. The woman nodded in agreement and made an offhand comment about Jiyong being a work slut—only interested in his stacks of paper. But then she noticed Seungri who was just standing awkwardly behind Jiyong like some sort of creepy stalker.

"Oh? Who's this?" she directed the question at Jiyong but her eyes were on Seungri and the younger cowered under her piercing gaze. Thankfully Jiyong jumped to his rescue before he could embarrass himself more.

"Ah, this is Lee Seunghyun. He's my new roommate," Jiyong explained and Seungri inwardly scoffed at the fact that Jiyong left out the 'boyfriend' part even though he was so insistent on using that term earlier. Maybe Jiyong liked this Kiko woman, Seungri should be happy but the thought didn't sit well in his stomach for some reason.

"Hi, I'm Mizuhara Kiko. Jiyong and Seunghyun-shi, do you mind if I hang out with ya' guys for a hour before I go back to my friends?" Kiko asked again, and Jiyong immediately nodded enthusiastically. This time, Seungri couldn't help but actually scoff, only to quickly hide it with a fake cough when Jiyong's chocolatey brown eyes turned to him.


Jiyong had every right to be happy as fuck when Kiko decided to shop with him. It wasn't because he liked her in that way, but because they were best friends and understood each well. Not forgetting the fact that Kiko had amazing fashion sense as well. They were definitely the best of the best friends so Jiyong couldn't decipher as to why he wanted to tear out Kiko's eyes so bad when she watched Seungri walk out of the changing room like a hawk.

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