Josh goes back to slowly moving his fingers. Tyler isn't exactly sure of what he's doing, but it's good.

He can feel something else in his veins, hot and desperate and red-black velvet. He groans, squeezing on Josh's fingers.

"So good," Tyler grunts. "So, so... like- ah, not metal but almost, and velvet, and- ahh..."

"Shh," Josh says softly. "I know."

Josh slowly pulls his fingers out. Tyler frowns at the loss.

"What?" he starts to ask, but Josh is suddenly shifting Tyler's hips and pressing something warm and hard against him. "Oh."

"Okay?" Josh murmurs, looking down at him with wide, mocha eyes.

"Yes," Tyler says, absolutely certain. "Yes."

Josh gently pushes in, lower lip tucked under tiger-growl top teeth.

Tyler moans as he's slowly filled up. It burns, but it's okay.

"Okay?" Josh whispers.

"Yeah," Tyler confirms, closing his eyes. The not-metal in his mouth is building up again, and he gasps as Josh shifts his hips oh-so slightly.

Josh kisses him again, and Tyler kisses back as hard as he can.

Josh moans into Tyler's mouth. Tyler kisses him, swallowing his groans.

Josh is starting to move his hips in slow, steady motions, and Tyler finds himself moving his own hips to meet his motions. Josh is hitting something inside Tyler every single time, and Tyler can't help but whimper in a low, constant sound.

"Tell me," Josh grunts, "tell me if it's too much."

"It is," Tyler murmurs back. "Keep going."

Josh laughs softly, startled, but obliges.

Tyler runs his hands through Josh's soft, blue hair, tugging gently. Josh groans, fingers digging into Tyler's shoulders, and Tyler wraps his legs around Josh's waist. His hips shift up slightly, and whimpers when Josh starts to hit that place inside him even harder.

"Come on," Josh grunts into Tyler's ear. "Can I...?"

Tyler doesn't even know what Josh is asking for, but he presses his hips even closer to Josh's, squeezing, and with a yelp, Josh's movements stutter and still.

"...are you all right?" Tyler asks.

Josh is panting hard as he reaches down and wraps his hand around Tyler's- whoa.

"I'm great," he says as he starts to move his hand.

"Mhh." is Tyler's reply.

He reaches up, wrapping his arms around Josh's back, clinging desperately. The not-metal taste is more intense than ever, and he sinks his teeth into Josh's collarbone with a groan.

"Oh gosh," he gasps out. "Oh gosh."

Tyler feels the velvet in his veins, tastes the not-metal in his mouth, and he can start to hear a low humming, a perfect G sharp.

He groans, high in his throat, and Josh mouths along his jawbone down to his neck.

"Come on," Josh murmurs. "Almost there."

Tyler doesn't know what Josh is even talking about, where he's close to being, but he's too jumbled up and overwhelmed to ask.

Josh twists his hand, rubbing his thumb over the top, and the not-metal in Tyler's mouth suddenly becomes so much, too much, and he sobs hard into Josh's skin. 

"It's okay," Josh whispers. "Just let go. Let go."

Tyler lets go.

He's falling, sinking, and he can feel himself shaking. The not-metal in his mouth finally comes spilling out as a moan higher than he ever thought he could make. He splays his arms out, one hitting the wooden wall, and he feels all of his muscles clench and unclench.

The G sharp grows louder and louder until he finally screams, groaning and whimpering. Josh is murmuring soft, cloud-sweet words as Tyler finally quiets down.

"Oh," Tyler says once he can finally speak.

"Hi," Josh says against Tyler's neck.

"Hi," Tyler echoes, ears buzzing. "That was- that was..." For the first time ever, there's something that Tyler can't describe.

"Yeah," Josh says, kissing him chastely.
A/N I know super long chapter....and smut, I'm sorry please don't hate me, or my friend for writing the smut!

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