>trombone section<

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>>Trombone Section<<

            Once upon a time, there was a trombone player named Jason. He was not a knight in shining armor. He was not a royal prince. He was not a superhero. He was just a trombone player who had recently asked a girl out to homecoming.

            Not that it really mattered on the marching band field, but hey; at least she’d accepted, right?

            His arms began to strain as he marched forwards and then diagonally, following the form he’d been taught. If he hadn’t been forced to pick trombone – due to the lack of other instruments at home – then he would never have picked up the heavy metal instrument. Heck, even the tiny, shrill piccolo would be more welcome; at least it wouldn’t be heavy. It also didn’t help that the marching band trombones seemed heavier than the normal ones.

            A few minutes later, their Monday night marching instructor, Hunter, was aligning the rows of people. “First line at the hash!” he shouted, his drill-sergeant voice carrying clearly across the field. People quickly adjusted, scrambling to line up with Hunter. “Second line right here – “ He took four steps forward and held out his arms, indicating where the line should be. “ – third line – fourth line – and last line right here. Here, move backwards!”

            “Reset!” Mr. Greatman yelled, and Jason turned around to walk back to his previous spot. To his surprise, he noticed several young girls, probably around six or seven, standing on top of the hill behind the field watching them. They laughed as they played some kind of game, probably a form of tag, and as Jason watched them, he felt a sort of longing for those carefree days.

            That feeling was pretty much gone when the girls scrambled away, frightened out of their wits, as Hunter bellowed, “Hey! Get away from there before I come up and do it myself!!”

A World of Music: //freshman journey\\Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя