Chapter 21 - The Gobelins are Coming

Start from the beginning

Jahl tugged on her arm, taking her with him as they dodged around a few trees, making their way to a better vantage point. Once more Jahl stopped short. Hiding behind a large tree trunk, he positioned her to the right of him, and with fear upon his face, he motioned for her to peek around the tree. The source of the smell was revealed.

There were scores of Gobelins! They moved about in the forested valley as if assembling into formations. She gazed at them as fear gripped her insides. Jahl pulled her away, guiding her away from the hilly outcropping. She was glad he led her, because her mind was too clouded with terror to place one foot in front of the other.

As they retreated, a more startling realization occurred. The Gobelins weren't just getting into formations; they were wearing armor and heavily armed. There could be only one reason for this. "We need to alert the village!" She kept her voice low. Jahl nodded. He did not stop. They both understood.

As soon as they were far enough away, they abandoned all caution and ran as if chased by wraiths. Taking her hand in his, Jahl set the pace. She sprinted hard to keep up with his long legs. They were both too shocked and too afraid to speak.

They ran until they could run no more, trying to cover two hours' worth of distance in a fraction of the time. Their burning muscles and side-aches forced them to stop a number of times, but mostly they put up with the torturous pace.

At one point, Jeanine was forced to stop and take a long drink from her water skin. She could hardly breathe and choked on half of it. When she regained her voice, she said, "Even if we warn them, what good will it do? There must be hundreds!"

Jahl was doubled over, his hands on his knees supporting his weight. Just as he opened his mouth to respond, an unmistakable sound split the silent air. Not far in the distance there was a strange horn blast. She looked over her shoulder, half expecting to see the Gobelins right behind her, but she only saw a large tree-covered hill.

"The battle cry of the Gobelins." Jahl's voice wavered.

"Let's go!" she cried, despite the pain of her aching muscles. They both took off again.

Her father's cottage was the farthest from the village. It sat on the outskirts of Kaljah. The moment she saw it, she began screaming hysterically, calling her father's name. It was difficult to do with the limited breath she had, but she succeeded.

In the distance, she saw him hobble around the corner of the cottage. She had never seen him move with the haste he now displayed.

"Father!" she screamed, now that she had his attention. "Gobelins! The Gobelins have come!" Though she wasn't close enough to see his face, she knew the fearful expression he wore. Immediately he turned and fled back to the house.

"Tend to your father and meet me in the village square," cried Jahl without stopping. "I must warn the others." Before she could say anything, he split away from her. She raced into the cottage and grabbed the only important items she owned, which were held in a leather case she tied to her belt. Her father was busy throwing things around, searching for something.

He thrust an object into her arms. She looked down to see his prized war sword. "No, Father!" She shook her head and tried to give it back. "You need this more than I."

"Pig shit! I'm no longer fit to fight. I'll use the axe. You use that."

She swallowed against the hoarse dryness of her throat. How could this possibly be happening? She didn't want to believe it.

"How many are there? ...Damn it, girl, get your wits together!" He took hold of her shoulders and gave her a rough shake.

"Five—five hundred? Maybe less if we are lucky." It was hard to speak. Everything felt like a dream, and she almost found herself waiting to wake up. "They outnumber us two to one..." she whispered, caring little for the hopelessness in her voice. "We are all going to die!"

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