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this for Thelegendoflinkette

I was standing in the GameStop store. Why, you ask? I'm on a mission. For what Linkette, you ask? I'm looking for a Legend of Zelda game. The newest one actually. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Walker. I heard it's gonna be AWESOME! Anyways, I'm gonna play the game with my friends Azuli and Julie later. I turned around to go up the register and pay for the game. I ran into a wall... I think. Wait wait wait, I'm in the middle of the store, How's that possible?!?!? I look up to find I ran into a PERSON, not a WALL.

"I'm sorry, my name's Taylor." the boy said.

"Umm I'm LInkette... nice to meet you, Taylor." Nice one Linkette, he probably thinks you're an idiot. I brushed my black hair out of my face.

"Hey can I have your number?" he asked. I nodded and mumbled the digits as he typed them in his contacts. "I'll call you some time, kay?" he asked

"Okay then, umm, see you are around ?" I asked then payed for my game and darted out of the store.

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