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~*- Maddy's PoV -*~

I stood in the grass. The rain was coming down in torrents. I can't believe Bryan stood me up again. I walked away from my spot to hunt that jerk down. I walked up onto the side walk to see his face smashed against another girl's. I stood there shocked. When they pulled apart, I walked up to Bryan and gave him a good, hard shove. He landed on his butt.

"Maddy I'm-"

"Save it." I shot back.

"He never loved you anyway you aneroxic freak." his " girlfriend" spat. I slapped her, hard.

Soon I sat down under my brother Jerome and I's tree house and cried .

"Maddy, come here! I wanna talk to you!" Jerome called from across the yard. I got up and ran towards the house. Once inside, I pulled off my soaking wet converse. My brown hair curled back up because of the rain. Mitch came into the hall with a towel.

"Thanks Mitch." I muttered. I walked down the hall to my room to go change my clothes. I changed into a Paramore shirt and dark blue skinny jeans. I walked back down stairs to the living room. Jerome patted a space between him and  Jason I sat down.

"What ever is the matter dear bacca ?" Jerome asked

"I got cheated on and stood up by Bryan." I said followed by a sigh from Mitch, a swear from Jason, and a growl from Jerome.

Then the door bell rang.

"I'll get it ."Mitch said. A minute later he came back followed by Ty. I stood up and hugged him. After a few minutes, he held me at arm's length.

"Why the tear trails and horror face?" he asked

" I got stood up and cheated on in a time frame of three hours."  I replied.

Jason said "Hey give your favorite spaceman a hug." I walked over and side - hugged him then trotted away to my room. A certain boy *cough cough Deadlox cough* followed  me there.

"Sorry to hear that you got cheated on." He said.

"Not your fault." I replied to the air. I whirled around and he Held a washcloth up in surrender.

"Thanks Ty." I said. He nodded. My phone rang scaring me a little,

"What's going on up there?" Jerome asked

"Nothing I'm just talking to Ty."

"Ok If that's all then bye."

I hung up and Ty grabbed my face lightly.

"What are you doing?" I asked. He swiped my face with a washcloth  I closed my eyes and relaxed.

"All done! Now you don't look like a killer clown." He said. I opened my eyes and gave him a death glare. He smiled at me. He leaned in slightly. So did I. Suddenly Our lips touched. After a minute We pulled away blushing like mad. I backed up as Jerome entered the room. I moved over the shelf in search for my laptop.

"Ty have you seen my laptop?" I asked as  He walked over my laptop in hand. I took it a darted out of the room. I ran to the kitchen still blushing. Mitch raised an eyebrow at me then left. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was olny Ty.

"I told Jerome and he's cool Maddy." He aid as I face keyboarded.

"Ok Imma Skype him just in case."

Jerome looked at Ty as soon as he picked up the call.

"Take care of my sister of I'll eat you." He said.

"I wouldn't even dare hurting her." I stared in shock at him.

"Ok bey."

I hung up the call.

"Maddy Acetti, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I kissed him.

Best night ever.

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