chapter twelve // like we only go backwards.

Start from the beginning

I roll my eyes at Niall, the smile appearing on my face, glad to see that Niall has not changed a bit in the two weeks we've been away from one another. Louis leans over Alicia to give Niall a hard shove; hard enough to send his chair tipping over backwards.

We don't miss a beat, all erupting into roars of laughter as Niall lets out a yelp as he goes crashing to the hard ground. Out of the corner of my eye, I see even Linley fighting against laughter. She pretends to cough as she covers her grin. 

"That is Louis," I continue introductions for Linley, "And next to him is Satan," I grin, causing Mia to flip me the bird, giving me her typical glare, "Who goes by the name of Mia. Beside her is Liam and his girlfriend Rosalie," I smile at the two quiet members of the group.

Liam gives Linley a polite smile, but I can tell by the look in his eyes that he's incredibly suspicious of her. He must have been talking with Harry. His dark brown eyes are watching Linley like a hawk, waiting for her to live up to what Harry must have told him. 

Sable and Andi smile at the two of us, looking rather tired and groggy. Sable grips a cup of coffee tightly, letting the steam hit her face. She sits incredibly close to Andi, keeping her seat away from Liam and Rosalie. I can't help but to roll my eyes at her.

While I was in the camper with Linley and it was just the two of us, it was incredibly easy to forget the events of yesterday. But as we rejoin the real world, I remember how incredibly dramatic and stubborn the girls of Starry Eyes are. 

It was like painfully crashing down from a soft cloud that was oblivion. 

After my introductions are made, everyone turns to face Linley, waiting for her to greet them in response, or say something of sorts. She hasn't said much since we've emerged from the camper at all. 

"I need food," She grumbles, her eyes landing on an open box of poptarts by Niall's feet. With a grin he bends down to throw her a package. To Niall, those are bonding words. I had never expected those two to get along so well.

Without so much as a 'thank-you' so she catches the package of poptarts and marches into the circle around the bonfire, gripping her jacket close to her body, trying to hide from the chilly morning air. Being obligated to follow, I trail behind her to plop myself into the open chair beside her. 

Quiet chatter ripples through a circle, everyone groggy and sleepy from last night. Knowing that if it hadn't been for Linley waking so suddenly this morning, I'd sure as hell still be asleep. 

As I sink into my fold-out chair, trying my hardest to get comfortable, I catch Louis' eye. He discreetly gestures to his phone in his hand, his eyes full of urgency. I furrow my eyebrows together as I fish my phone out of my pocket. 

Ignoring my other messages, all from people who merely want something, I pull up my message notification from Louis. Reading the other lads names in the message, I realize what's going on.

I slowly position my body away from Linley, tilting the phone so she can't see it. Obviously the lads want to talk to me without Linley hearing what they have to say. I can't blame them; she's a terrifying creature.

My eyes scan Louis' message:

i think i've found mia's long lost sister. they are practically the same people, don't you think?

Glancing at Linley out of the corner of my eye, I furrow my eyebrows together. Of course they look polar opposites: Mia is curvy, dark featured and curly haired; Linley is twiggy and pale complected from her head to her toes.

But now that I think of it, they are rather similar in their demeanor. They've got this frightening edge to them that is initially rather terrifying. I remember walking on glass around Mia, scared that she'd chew me out for something. I'm sure the lads are all feeling something along those lines. 

slow it down // zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now