chapter four // what you didn't know.

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zayn's pov

I tote the small blonde-haired devil - who can't weigh more than a hundred pounds - in through the doors of the drunk tent, wanting nothing more than to throw her to the ground. She continues to kick and scream, causing a scene as we enter. 

I'm not sure what everyone is more focused on; Harry and I; Linley screaming; or her lace panties exposed for everyone to see. More than likely, it's a combination between the three of them. But Linley sure is hiding a rather fit body beneath her awful personality. 

Conversations die down as Harry leads the way to an empty table, pulling out two chairs for Linley and I. I simply plop her down on a chair beside me, giving her an irritated glare as her screaming is cut short. I sit her down with a bit too much force, nearly sending her falling from the chair. 

"Is there a problem?" A waiter comes up to our table, giving Linley a concerned look, completely disregarding Harry and I, being rather rude. 

Linley bares her teeth like the lioness she is and thrusts her hand in the air, and of course takes my wrist with her, exposing it to the concerned man.

"Yes, yes there is," She snaps, causing him to jump back in surprise of her response. 

"We'll have two whiskeys, please," Harry butts in, after letting out a loud, exhausted sigh. 

We've been here merely a half hour, yet it's already felt like the longest day of my life. Linley literally drains everything out of me. It takes a lot of energy to hate a person this much. 

"Make that three," Linley calls out the waiter as he turns around. 

Harry opens his mouth to deny Linley's request, but the waiter shuffles away before he gets a chance to call out. He settles his mouth in a firm line as he settles his glare on Linley; as our face has permanently settled upon today. 

I can't help but to glare at her as well. If I can't stand being around a sober Linley, I sure as hell am not going to be able to handle a sloppy drunk one. 

"You can't honestly expect me to be around you guys without being completely drunk, can you? Have you met yourselves?" She asks us, giving us both a deadly glare, giving our handcuffs a tug, pulling them as she crosses her arms, making me wince with pain.

I am one inch away from just tearing off my own arm, I really am. 

Rolling my eyes, I pull my wrist back, even though the metal continues to dig into my skin. We settle our wrists on the table in a neutral zone. 

Here I thought tonight was looking so good; so many eager women inviting us to party with them, what else could I ask for? I thought my night had gotten even better when I saw Andi, but boy, was I wrong. I wish I had never laid eyes on that tall, dark skinned goddess.

Suddenly an idea hits me. Just because Linley is completely awful doesn't mean that Andi is. I certainly wouldn't mind getting to know her a bit better. I suppose that'll be the one - and only - positive aspect of having this gremlin attached to my arm. I'll get to stare at her beautiful friend. Then when we're no longer attached; bam. Andi will be mine. 

"Someone around here has to have something that can cut through metal. The type of people at this thing are - " Harry starts to furrow his eyebrows in concentration, his voice all low and serious before he gets cut off by an excited shout. 

Our table is rushed by a group of teenagers, probably no older than 17 or 18. The group of boys and girls approach us, simply brimming with excitement. 

Harry and I sit up straighter, putting on our friendly smiles as we always have to do when approached by fans. But I don't even have to force the smiles when pretty half-dressed girls are surrounding me.

slow it down // zayn malikWhere stories live. Discover now