There were five

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Aura was reborn as the youngest child of John and Mary Winchester. She was renamed Jane Winchester. When Mary died she was pulled into a life of hunting along with her brothers, Sam and Dean. She grew up without her memories of her true home. Soon the apocalypse was only years in the future. Though demons had seen her, but they couldn't see who she really was, neither could Gabriel. Then, Dean was saved from hell. She stood with her brother in the barn as they summoned the angel Castiel. Then, Lucifer was released from his cage and he began to prey upon Sam. Michael going after Dean at the same time. They did not pay so much as a second glance to Jane. Jane on the other hand whenever she found herself in a room with an angel felt so much safer. Though they tried to refuse, both Winchester brothers gave in and were possessed by the archangels. Adam had been rejected by Michael, so only Dean remained. Jane rushed to the cemetery where the battle was to go down. Also there was Gabriel and Raphael. She had no weapons on her as she drove her big brother's Impala right to the clearing. The gentle wind blew through her blonde hair.

"Jane, what are you doing here?" Gabriel asked.

"I wasn't going to let my brothers die alone," Jane replied, choking back tears. Lucifer let out a laugh and appeared right in front of her. Her blue eyes met Sam's green. "Sammy? Can you hear me?"

"You dumb little girl," Lucifer hissed. It felt like a slap to the face hearing the words in Sam's voice. Jane backed up only to back into Michael. She whipped around and Michael grabbed her neck.

"You should hear how loud Dean is screaming in here," Michael purred. Jane gasped trying to breathe. Michael threw her across the ground into a grave. She was nearly knocked out. She tried to get up when Raphael delivered a blow to her ribs. A sickening crack went with the shattering of her ribs. She let out a cry and went still, hoping if she acted unconscious they'd leave her alone. Gabriel rushed to her aid only to be knocked down by Raphael. The two archangels began to fight. Jane very painfully got to her knees while they were occupied.

"Brother, it doesn't have to end this way," Lucifer spoke, squaring off with Michael.

"Yes, it does. It is what father wants," Michael replied. Jane touched her side to discover the pain was gone. She got to her feet. Lucifer noticed this and glared at her.

"Why won't you stay down?" Lucifer hissed. Michael turned around to look at her. He groaned and lifted his hand. A sphere of fire appeared. He threw it at her. Jane's eyes widened and threw her arms up in defense. A shield of air appeared, blocking the fireball. Jane gasped and looked to her hands in shock and fear. Instincts told her to turn around. She turned and blocked electricity that had been from Raphael. Gabriel slammed his hand onto the ground and Raphael's legs were wrapped in rock.

"What are you?" Michael growled. Lucifer took the second's distraction to send a shower of ice at Michael. Jane created a barrier between them and sent them both flying. Jane in the chaos noticed a small, glowing vial in the grass. She leapt for it before Lucifer or Michael got to their feet. Something told her to smash it on the ground and she did. Grace flew towards her and went into her mouth. She was lifted off the ground as light swirled around her like a tornado. Memories flashed through her mind and finally her name returned to her thoughts. The four archangels watched in shock as Jane dropped to the ground. A glowing halo floated above her head. She got to her feet and looked at them. Realization hit them and their faces were plastered with shock.

"Aura?" Michael gasped.

"Hello, Mike," Aura smiled. Gabriel stepped towards her and as he passed Raphael the earth fell apart releasing him. Gabriel reached her and hugged her tightly. She hugged him back and then stepped towards Michael. She hugged him too.

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