Intro: Various Info

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\\\Author: this is info needed to understand the book. Hope you enjoy reading this book///

Strength: power

Psychic Shield: a shield that protects a person from people who have Psychic Strengths

Halfling: Half one creature and half another. Hated as much as humans are.

Archangels: the organization that Alfan runs/leads

Frozen Hell: time where sun is swallowed by black dust so that monsters could come out and attack/apocalypse. So strong even time froze.

Xilhedran: people who's Strength have no limits, often can be described to have a body part that shines golden when Strength is activated.

Regren: people who are loved by their Strengths. Strength will automatically protect them without the user's say so.

Letean: people who's Strengths absorbs something (in correlation to their Strength) in contact in order to become more powerful

13 Main Characters:

Heaven Oak: "There is one thing I will never do and that is to betray the people I love."

Violet Garza: "The only things I give a damn about are: my family, my friends, and my future. I don't have time to give a damn about what other people think about me."

Iris Pearl: "I've learned that people don't tend to understand me that easily."

Monica Cain: "I often feel scared of people I care about leaving me, so I rarely let them in."

Alice Gates: "I'm not weak or fragile, this is just a facade to hide my strength when I need it most."

Belle Klein: "The people you love today, might not be the people you love tomorrow. What a scary thought...."

Melody Solis: "The idea of being hurt by people scares me, so from time to time I choose not to let them know me."

Ryder Young: "Honestly, the thought that they'll find better terrifies me, so I work to be the best."

Jon Pine: "More than monsters, demons, and maybe even death. Failing terrifies me more."

Jose Blackwell: "When I fall in love, I fall hard. Nothing else matters, not even when the person I fell in love with is a murderer or a guy."

Jace Park: "Accepting that I lost is never my strong point."

Lance Griffin: "The one thing I find sad is when a person gives their all only to find that it simply wasn't enough."

Axel Ortega: "The one thing I can't do is give up."

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