Chapter 14: Feeling Loved

Start from the beginning

Until it is too late.

"Hello my dear Gemma. Did you miss me?"


Druce's POV

"They'll be coming soon Alpha. We have been getting a lot of threats from them lately. I would say anytime soon". I watch my third in command, Payne as he illustrates with his hands the places around our perimeter where they spotted the Rogues.

They are appearing more now than before and I am getting more and more frustrated at that. They pose a threat to Gemma, the only person I care for on this fucked up planet.

They have to die.

I get up from the desk, running my hands through my already messed up hair, frustrated at my bad luck.

I am nowhere near figuring out how to take down Blade. He is well protected and armed. I need to figure out a way, for Gemma.

I slam my hands down hardly on the desk where my Beta and some other Runners are seated. A loud crack sounds in the room and the desk falls to the ground, split in two from the force of my blow.

Everyone in the room looks at me with wide, frantic eyes and I growl angrily. "I know they'll be attacking soon Payne, but what do we have, nothing. We need to find a way to take them down. They're teaming up as we speak". I groan loudly. "How can you not have anything? This is Gemma's life we're talking about. My mate, your Luna".

To say I am angry will be an understatement, the biggest one ever. I am furious and I need Gemma right now. I'm afraid I will do something unintentionally if I don't see her now. "Find something Payne. I am going to see my mate".

I wanted to go look for her the moment she ran from my office, but I don't want to hound her. She deserves some space, I need to accept that.

But then Bryce called me, he said it was urgent. I didn't know I would be sitting in a meeting with a bunch of idiots for almost five hours. Five agonizing hours.

Just as I am about to open the door it is pushed open and a scared looking Julie steps into the room. She is trembling, as if she was spooked very badly and I look at her calmly, unknowingly, until everything slowly resonates with me.

Where is gemma? If Julie is here, where is Gemma?

Julie steps forward hesitantly. Damn right she should be.

"Druce, don't be mad or angry and start breaking things. Just hear me out first". I hold my hand up, silencing her with my fingers.

"Where is Gemma Julie? I swear to the Goddess if you tell me I don't know, I'll kill you". Julie gulps nervously while backing away from me.

She starts sobbing, loudly too and I growl loudly cutting her off. "I don't know Druce. One minute we were talking, the next she was getting up and running away from me. I thought she came to the house, I checked every room, but she isn't here. I don't know where she is".

She starts sobbing again and I walk towards her condescendingly. She shrinks back into the door frame and I glare, my eyes already golden.

"What did you say to her Julie? What did you say to her that made her run away Julie?" I roar at the top of my voice. Julie only sobs louder.

"Calm down Alpha. She didn't do anything wrong, well find her". Bryce says touching my shoulders and I shove him, hard enough for him to slam in the wall in the hall. What's with him and telling me to stay calm? My mate was missing for fucks sake.

"Alpha remember, stay calm and sniff her out. We'll just go in the garden and you'll search for her from there. Plus she's marked, you'll know if something happened or happens to her".

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