The begining of my end

Start from the beginning

Tomorrow's a new day Brine. Tomorrow, everyone will learn to fear your name. Tomorrow...

I swear, if you say tomorrow one more time, I'll throw you into a pit of lava.

....I take control. And their's no stopping me.


What did you say?

I said, no.

Why you...

My head started to pound again and I almost fell out of the tree. What, cant handle a little back talk? Entity didn't respond, so I fell asleep. Today, was my last day of freedom, I hope it was worth it. I hope, that I can fight back.

~~the next morning~~

I awoke to the sun in my eyes. My head was spinning and the urge to kill was stronger than before. I jumped down from the tree and kept walking away from the town.

Why don't you go visit you're friends?

What friends? Steve doesn't think I care anymore, and I'm sure he's told the town that I've abandoned them. So what's the point on going back?

To prove them right. If they want to think that you've abandoned them, then give them a reason to, kill them, kill them all.

I clenched my teeth and fists. No, I left them so they wouldn't get hurt, I'm not going to let you force me to kill them.

Oh, but I think I can.

I kept walking further away from the town. My had was pounding again, and it kept getting worse. I stopped walking and I stared at the ground. The sudden urge to kill, to get revenge, grew stronger and stronger. I tried to ignore it. I tried to push it away, but it was to strong for me to fight. N-No I won't hurt them.

Oh, but you have no chioce.

An evil grin grew across my face. My eyes glew with a tint of red, and all control over my actions was lost. No matter how hard I tried the will to kill, no Entity, was overpowering. So, I teleported to the gates. The two guards stared at me. My smile grew as I formed fireballs in my palms and levitated. They stared in horror as I threw one at each of them. I heard screams from the townsfolk as I flew in. "Oh, this is gonna be fun." I said as I lit a house on fire. The guards came out and started to fire arrows at me. I stopped them mid-air and turned them around. They shot back and killed half the guards.

"HERO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I heard Steve yell as I killed more and more people.

I looked at him and saw a look of hurt, anger and fear on his face. I felt something inside me fight back. For a moment to urge to fight was gone. I shook my head and formed another fireball. "I'm doing what I do best, Steve. Causing pain and spreading fear."

"Hero! This isn't you!"

"Like you would know." I threw a fireball at him and he dodged it. He ran from view, so I attacked the rest of the town. Moments later, the town was in ruins. Houses were burning, people were lying dead or dying at my feet, and those still alive stared at me in horror.

"Brine! Stop!"

I smiled and turned around. "Ah, Steve, glad you could join the fun."

"Brine, I don't know what has gotten into you, but you need to stop this. Look around you, all these people you protected, and helped, their gone now. And what are you doing? Smiling like a freak!"

I stared at him. He's right, what have I done? I dropped to the ground and tears filled my eyes, and they returned to their normal white. "Steve, I-I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean for-" I shook my head and teleported away, tears streaking my face. I looked at my hands and clothes, they were covered in blood. I sat in the tree and stared at nothing.

Well, that was fun.

I swear, next time I see you, I'm gonna kill you. You forced me to kill them. Now they're all gone.

This is partly your fault. You allowed me to take control and you didn't fight back.

No, I tried to fight back, I tried to take control. Now you're gonna pay.

Well, I guess I'll just have to make sure you don't find me.

Oh, belive me, I will find you. And when I do, I'll end you.


.........Honestly, I don't know how to respond to that....

Hero:....dark....painful times....

...*looks at Hero*....*hugs* Hero, I'm so sorry....

Hero: it's not your fault. It's Entity's. You didn't force me to kill those people.

....yah, but I still feel bad....*hugs tighter*... (actually I kinda did. I am the one writing the story, but dont tell Hero that....)

Hero: just end this chapter, please.

...ok.....if you all did just enjoy that, then hit that vote button and keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter. I'm J, and I'll talk to you later peepz.

Hero: bye....

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