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Maya bent down and put her folder on her textbook, keeping her head down.
"Attention seeker." Images of a knife cutting along her arm flashed in front of her and she pushed them away for thoughts she would have later, standing up and keeping her eyes down. "Even more then I thought. Good job, getting attention the quiet way. The next day was Maya not able to see well during class.
"You have perfect vision, a.s."
"Attention seeker."
"Great so you can call me it more often." She didn't look at his eyes, though. The rest of the week was followed by the same thing. Lucas didn't even know why he was so angry at her but he kept picking on her. He didn't even realize it.
"What are you not eating so we get worried A.S?" Maya continued staring forwards.
"Lucas." Said Mr.Anders. "I think we need to talk about the way you've been treating Maya. Cory sent Maya a little smile letting her know he'd sent him but Maya didn't return it.
"Mr.Anerson, we're joking around. This isn't him actually being mean to me."
"It looks that way."
"It's a game. We've played it since we met. It doesn't bother me."
"Hardly seems fair."
"It is. I call him huckleberry all the time."
"I have heard that. Don't be so cruel to each other, though. You'd be great friends or what not. Maya, I need your phycology paper in by Wednesday."
"It's due monday."
"I'm giving you an extension."
"I don't need it."
"Really. I can finish it by Monday. I've done lots already." Mr.Anders smiled and nodded before walking away.
"That was your chance to get back at me for the way I've been treating you. Get me in trouble."
"What I said was true. Get even."
"That was really cool of you."
"Cause you didn't get in trouble." She said. He noticed her eyes turn to a table of girls and back to him.
"I don't want attention. I pushed you away because I don't want it."
"I'm sorry about what I said about your dad, Maya. I know it sucks and I made it seem like it doesn't. You can't let people hurt you because you think you deserve it. You don't."
"My parents left me for a reason."
"Not to do with you."
"I wasn't enough to make them stay."
"Your mom?"
"Suicide. I'm an orphan."
"I'm so sorry-"
"Please don't."
"I didn't see you as an attention seeker. No one does. You're actually the opposite. But I'm angry. I don't get it. I took it out on you. I'm sorry."
"No. You call me huckleberry."
"I think you like it."
"Yup." Maya's smile dropped when she looked at the girls again.
"Hey, wanna eat in the art room?" He asked.
"That would be great." And Lucas was right. Maya wasn't eating in front of them. But in the art room she did and it was the eye of the storm of confusion in his stomach.
"So what are you drawing?"
"It's nothing. Let me see yours." Lucas turned his towards her."
"An eye. Wow. It's good."
"Compared to your drawings, doubtful. Come on. Let me see." He went to grab is but she pushed his hand away.
"Come on." She shook her head and he went again, this time catching her arm when she tried to stop him. She dropped it and grabbed his arm, standing. He stood too and they ended up trying to escape each others grip and laughing. He faked one way and went the other to the drawing. She was about to stop him but it was too late.
"It's a girl, stabbing herself with another hand holding the part she isn't." He described out loud. "Leading to a figure across from her. What's the figure gonna be?"
"The girl. And exact drawing, facing the other way. Wearing black though."
"It's incredible."
"Not really, I've been working on it all week."
"Maya, really. This is amazing."
"Thanks. I don't think I can pull it off, though." She said, sitting up on the desk next to the desk her was leaning against. He did too, inches apart. "The other side has to look exactly the same or you can't tell it's her."
"You can do it. Don't stress."
"But It's for my portfolio. Even if I never use it for anything, I only want my best in there. You must know what I mean in some way. I mean, you're so great at sports but the ones you struggle a bit more with you certainly won't go to college for over the ones you do well at. But you still want to do well at them all."
"It's not all about college, Maya."
"I've always wanted to go."
"You still can."
"No, Lucas." He looked back at the draw. "I think it's kinda like that angry side of me. Taking over myself. What did you mean by this."
"So many things. Physically. Mentally."
"What's that mean?"
"I'm out to destroy myself. It's inevitable. In every way." She stood back up and threw the brown bag away, collected her stuff and left.

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