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"It's a six week cycle of Chemo. It's going to be intense. We wanted to get on it as soon as possible to increase your chances." What chances? Maya nodded. After the appointment, Maya wanted to enjoy the week without chemo and went to the basketball court. She got lost in tossing it into the hoop until she head her name.
"Are you cold?"
"I've got my sweater."
"It's November."
"And I've been moving around for a while."
"Need someone to play against?"
"Not sure you'll be much better then my invisible friend, Bob, over here but give it a shot."
"Yes. Bob the turtle. I liked turtles when I was little."
"I know."
"Stalker." Lucas stole the ball and started dribbling it.
"Bet you're turtle didn't do that?" He said. Maya stole the ball back and faked one way, dribbling to the other side, getting the ball stolen from behind her. Lucas threw it and it bounced off and over their heads. They began to run for it but Maya stopped and the world began to quickly spin and everything went black until a ringing seeped into her ears and her face began to sting. Putting her hands up as if she were to do a push up, she pulled her knees in.
"Are you okay?"
"Ya, um, I just sorta blacked out, I guess."
"We should get you back."
"Lucas, I'm fine." He put his arms out and she grabbed his forearms to help her to her feet, a new stinging in her leg she could no longer ignore.
"You're leg." Maya looked down. Her jeans were ripped and the edges hand blood on them. He ran his finger gently over her cheek and she flinched in pain.
"It's fine. Can we not mention what happened to them."
"You know me Maya. This is your health. It's important."
"What's that mean?"
"Nothing. Let's just go."
"Kidding." She kicked the ball over with her foot and flicked it up with her foot like a soccer ball." She threw it up and into the basket.
"I win."
"Did not."
"Faked the black out and won."
"No, Maya. You didn't fake it. The look in your eyes. You didn't fake it."
"Now you read eyes?"
"Yes. And yours say secrets."
"Okay, what are they?"
"Whatever reason you don't want me to tell the Matthews.
"That's not my eyes. That's my voice."
"Let's go, now."

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