Considering how many different things and species that walked among the earth there was too many  categories of Other to call it anything else. There was monsters, and creatures that made no sense but also species and beings that could just be human with a little extra. Maybe if we were sensitive we would take offensive to the Other category but it honestly was way easier than listing everything that existed.

Though there was still problems, for the most part it was pretty peaceful.

"Hey! What are you doing here? This is werewolf territory."

There, at the very sidelines of this undisclosed territory was a Asura girl and a lone wolf. I knew that it was not even part of this pack. Why it was trying to protect our borders was left to question.

Now that everything had become widely accepted, many Others were confusing in nature. Asuras were part of that confusion category. They were creatures of religion which made them different to creatures created out of universal stories, like werewolves or dragons. Asuras short explanation is that they are demigods of Hindu mythology. Though there are many different versions of demigod, Asuras were a concept not fully explained, thus how there existence is so confusing. Especially since they were related to gods and things that have yet to be disclosed in today society. Gods, Goddess and beings of the sort are not known to exist which makes the creatures of a religion hard to understand.

It might be easier to explain Asuras appearance to really understand how much humans beliefs have created beings.

This Asura was more human then most. Which isn't saying much since she only had the figure of a girl but her entire body was made of energy and light. I only have the bare minimum knowledge of creatures made out of religion, I like to stick to concrete ideas, so I couldn't tell you the meaning behind her creation and how much of an her was absolute or abstract.   

I think I just made it even more confusing.

Asuras are a concept made being that make no sense and purpose was never fully stated that resulted in a life not completely thought out.

Holy many gods, shit is hard to explain.

"Hey, wolf." I smirked as I saw the blood drain from the lone wolfs face. This dude obviously was not expecting a wolf from the pack he was 'protecting' to see him.

"Uh, hey."

"Asura, can I call you that? Sorry about this guy, clearly he does not understand to not bully beings that are made from ideas and are extremely powerful. Hopefully, you don't take offensive from me calling you an idea."

The energy ball appeared to laugh? I don't know, it made a sound but there was no mouth obviously so that laughing sound could have been from literally anywhere.

It continued to laugh, laugh so hard that it actually just floated away and then disappeared into the wind.

"Fucking concepts." I whispered under my breathe before continuing my walk.

"Hey, wait! What just happened there?" The lone wolf followed me, somehow baffled by the Asura.

"I don't know." I didn't understand beings like Asuras either so I couldn't really explain them to him.

"You seemed to know what that thing was, can you tell me?" The guy continued to follow me. He couldn't have been older than 17 and clearly been on his own for awhile. His clothes weren't horrible but were not in the best conditions and it was clear that he hadn't showered for some time.

I don't know whether it was the memories of being in a situation like him or the fact that I was tried from walking but I stopped and decided to humor the lone wolf.

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