A Talk

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Its a hard habit to kick. We go mad when we cannot get our fix, but it doesn't have to be this way. Self-harm has been used as an escape for years. People always harass those who hurt themselves. Maybe they just can't understand or maybe they fear the inevitable.
Self harm isn't cowardly. Neither is suicide. What's cowardly is the person who makes others want to hurt themselves. They know that the words they say will drive the knife deeper and if we give in that only gives them satisfaction.
I will never understand the human race. We cut and kill flowers because we find them gorgeous. We cut and kill ourselves because we can't stand what we see in the mirror.
Its time we start changing things. Its time we teach society how to treat everyone justly. We need to teach our children respect and the adults need to show compassion.
If you want to save the world, start by checking on your friends who are struggling. Give them a reason to live. Imagine how many deaths could be prevented if only we loved instead of hated.
The world would be so beautiful if it was ran with love. Let love exude from you like heat from the sun. Cast its rays on everyone you meet. That girl next to you right now needs it. The boy you bumped into needs you to show you care. Stop casting people away simply because they are hurting. They are wounded and need help healing.

The Self(ie) Love ProjectTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang