You Are Not Your Illness

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Hello again, welcome back. Today I feel the need to address something important. Sit down and prepare to gain more knowledge.
First of all I would like to discuss today, is that you are NOT your illness. Your disorder does not define you. You are not "weird" or "worthless". You are a perfectly beautiful human being, your mind expands to see more than others. Have you ever noticed that you now have the ability to relate to so many others now? You now have an understanding of the emotions felt by a human brain. You are learning, everyday. You learn that you are stronger than the average human being. Your disorder is not you. You are separate from it. Don't let it get the best of you.
Second thing I feel needs to be said: MENTAL ILLNESS SHOULD NOT BE GLORIFIED! You shouldn't just say "oh I'm depressed because mom didn't make cookies". Or "My friend yelled at me, she must be bipolar". If you are saying things like "I check twitter every five minutes, omg I'm so OCD". Then you need to stop. It is offensive to people who actually suffer from these things. They have it hard enough. They don't need a poser coming along and making them feel even worse about themselves. You can get mad at me if you want, but if you glorify an illness, you are a disgrace to humanity. Grow up and realize that the things you joke about are the things that haunt people at night.
Third thing: You are a beautiful person. You are brave, you are amazing and talented. There is something that i would like you to try tonight.
1) look in the mirror
2) on a piece of paper write one thing that you like about yourself
3) tape paper to mirror
4) add one thing to that list everyday
I love you all.

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