
27 1 1

The wind blew lightly but hard enough to send cherry blossom petals toward me. I caught one in the palm of my hand and stared at it as I remembered my dream last night.

"Such a weird dream."

I dropped the petal and walked toward my school's door's. They felt so welcoming but at the same time, they weren't. As I walked in, I was greeted by Sonoda who was at her shoe locker.

"Hello, Kuroki-san."

"Uh, hello Sonoda-san." I greeted her awkwardly. I walked past her and to my shoe locker, opening it nervously.

"Why does Sonoda have to be here right now?"

I quickly switched my outdoor shoes with indoor shoes. Thankfully, Sonoda didn't try to start a conversation. I walked down the hallway closest to me but was stopped by Sonoda's voice.

"See you in class," Sonoda said politely.

"Y-Yeah," I replied nervously then continued down the hallway.

"Why? Why did I run? I spent so long practicing on how to be more friendly to make up for how cold I've been to people but...I don't think I will be able to do it."

I opened my first class's door and saw Minami sitting at her desk, drawing something on a piece of paper.

"What is she drawing?"

The paper had many designs on it with many different colors filling the designs edges. I blinked away my distracted daze and walked over to my chair, sitting on its uncomfortable surface. I waited until class started and once class had ended, I nervously walked past Minami. Memories of her dancing in a group of girls flooded my mind until I shook them away. Minami stood up from her chair and noticed me walking by nervously.

"Kuroki-san, hello," She greeted me politely with a smile on her face.

"H-hello," I replied, trying my best to be polite. "What are you drawing?" Minami looked back to the piece of paper on her desk before grabbing it.

"Costume designs," She replied happily.

"Costume designs?" I repeated, a bit confused.

"I make costumes for the muse members. When we preform a dance somewhere, I make the costumes we dance in."

"Muse? Preform?"

"Our dance group."

"When are you going to preform with those costume designs?" I asked, pointing at the paper being held in her hands.

"Um..I don't know yet."

"Oh, okay. Well, I got to get to class," I said, searching for what I should say. I dashed out of the classroom, ignoring the 'no running in the halls' rule.

"Okay, bye," Minami replied happily.

I slowly down as the hallway began to fill with students. I tried to keep my mind set on my next class until I was greeted half way by Sonoda.

"Hello," I replied, smiling lightly.

"Have you considered dancing yet?" She asked as we both kept walking. I flinched, remembering all of what happened yesterday.

"N-no, I haven't thought of it yet," I replied nervously.
"I felt reluctant at first but once I made the decision to join muse, I made many great friends. I'm glad I made the decision to join otherwise I wouldn't have met them."

"More talk about friends. Is having friends really that important?"

"Are your friends really important to you?" I asked hollowly.

"What? Of course they are," Sonoda replied surprised. "Why would you ask that?"

"I..don't know," I replied, not wanting to tell her about my recent decision. She looked at me confused then opened her mouth to speak.

"Is there something bothering you? Something about work?"

"N-no, it's nothing."

Sonoda glanced at me, unconvinced.

"If you feel there is something wrong, come talk to me," She advised with a friendly smile on her face.

I paused momentarily to think over her advisement.

"Should I tell her?"

"Thanks," I muttered, still unsure of what I should have said.
We walked quickly to our next class, math. The dreaded math class where I used to not understand a thing. It's a good thing we discussed notes yesterday otherwise I would be in serious trouble!

Once inside the classroom, we made our way to our seats and waited for class to start. After a few moments of chatter, our teacher quickly walked in.

"Alright class. Stop talking and ready yourselves for today's lesson," He demanded angrily.

"What's wrong with Mr. Itoh? He seems very angry for some reason." I glanced at Sonoda questioningly only to realize, she had her gaze focused on our teacher.

Mr. Itoh swiftly walked to his desk and grabbed a thick stack of worksheets.
"Work on these for today. Ask your partner for help if you need it."
He began handing them out eagerly before sitting at his desk, staring at the class.

"Why is he staring at us? Is he waiting for us to get started?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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