Fallen Angel

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I thought I could servive it. I thought it would pass. But two years of unrequited love don't fade that easily. I lay in my bed, late at night, crying. I didn't realy feel it, it was just water streaming down my face. I wasn't sad. no, I just needed to cry. I couldn't stop thinking about her. What if she doesn't love me back? It'll be fine. It's always fine. I never had a problem dealing with it until now. It must be because I told someone. It must be. It's driving me crazy, how much I love her. I thought it was only a crush. Something that would pass over time. But it's not. This is my very first true love, and it's a girl.

Even though I was never straight, I never had any intrests in guys, and even the thought about being with one grossed me out, I always brushed it off as being asexual, or just my inhabillity to love.

I'm just going to have to deal with it.


Her birthday passed, and I gave her her present, a DIY galaxy sweatshirt. She thanked me and gave me a hug, and I hoped that she wouldn't notice how fast my heart was beating.

About two weeks later came our birthday party. The holidays just started, and we invited some friends over to my house for a sleep-over.

We played truth or dare, then made an oreo cake, than continued our game. The bottle landed on me, and the girl infront of me, shira, asked the question people always ask in this game.

"Do you have a crush in our school?"

It was a truth. I had to answer.


I said it with such confidence that everyone loked at me, no longer in anticipation, but in awe. Even I had no idea how I was so open about it, after having kept it inside for so long.

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