12- Sad, beautiful, tragic

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"What the hell.." Karlie mumbles, opening her eyes quickly. She realises it's her phone that is ringing but has no idea where it is, or where she is for that matter. She lets her eyes adjust to the utter darkness for a few seconds before the electronic device starts beeping again.


"Where the fuck is it?!" Karlie now mumbles angrily, getting up from the couch that she had apparently been sleeping on for a while since her limbs were hurting from the quite uncomfortable position she had been in.


"Aahh!" She lets out when finally seeing the little light on the phone blink in the distance. She rushes over to the fireplace, where she had apparently put it when Taylor and her had arrived in the cabin a day or two ago. The agent looks at the caller ID before accepting it. 'CSP Bureau'.

"Hi its Karl- I mean ehm.. hello, agent Kloss speaking."

"Kloss, you have to change locations." A deep voice sounds on the other side of the line

"Wh- what, why? Tay- uhh miss Swift and I have only been here for like two days." Karlie says, sounding sleepy with her raspy voice.

"You're not far away enough from Amsterdam, where they found you. Plus there might be a chance they followed you or have an idea of where you are." The deep voice says.

Karlie sighs, already exhausted by only thinking of moving around again. 

"This is not some kind of question miss Kloss." The voice says, annoyance laced in there now. "Its an order."

"Yes, sir." Karlie replies, knowing she wont win this useless argument anyway. "I will change locations as soon as possible."

"Tonight." The man says sternly. "We are talking about miss Taylor Swift here. She is one of the music industries biggest names and therefor we have to protect her at all costs."

"I know who she is." Karlie says, her annoyance becoming obvious as well. "And I'm doing the best I can."

"We expect nothing else miss Kloss. You're one of our best agents but.. and don't get me wrong here.. we don't want you to have or grow and unprofessional feelings for our biggest project."

Karlie's heart stops beating at those words and she has trouble breathing. 'Would they.. know?' She thinks to herself as she slowly swallows the lump in her throat away.

"I.. she isn't some kind of project. She is a human being, sir." Karlie says, dancing around the big elephant in the room.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about I think." Karlie's boss says then. "Ive heard from your cole that there was a certain closeness while he was transporting miss Swift and you to your recent locatio-"

"Fucking Josh.." Karlie huffs angrily. They hadn't even really been that close, Taylor had just laid her head on Karlie's shoulder that long car ride. "Sir, no offence but that.. agent is talking.. shi- nonsense."

"As long as you are sure about that, were content. Otherwise we will have to place another agent on her case, is that clear?" The man with the low voice says then.

"Yes sir." Karlie replies, not able to form a longer sentence anymore without any swearwords in there. She cant even think of another agent being just as good as her, Taylor is the safest under her protection, thats a fact.

"Now move locations asap, agent Kloss." Karlie's boss says then, ending their conversation there.

"Yes, sir." Karlie says then, removing the electronic device from her ear, pressing the red button and laying it down on the fireplace with quite some force. She starts pacing around the room, her nervous habit, and even thinks of retrieving that half-empty pack of cigarettes out of her jacket in the hallway, even though she has stopped smoking a long while ago. 

Her resistance is too weak now however as she storms into the hallway, snatches her black leather jacket from the coat hanger and heads over to the terrace outside.

We Run -A Kaylor Fanfic-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя