9- When the feeling sinks in

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"Wh- Karlie.. Karls?"

"Hey, you're awake. Were almost there." The green eyed woman says calmly.

"What? Where? Were almost where?" Taylor asks, trying to sit up straight as her head is hurting extremely much and her limbs feel soar.

"A little town in south France." Karlie replies simply, watching the singer stretch herself out in the back of the car.

"South France?!" Taylor asks loudly. "Wait, for how long did I sleep?"

"About 12 and a half hours. You must have been pretty tired." Karlie replies drily.

"Gosh, I dont think I've ever slept that long." Taylor says, scratching the back of her head as a sharp pain suddenly shoots through.

"Hey, don't touch that." Karlie says, pulling Taylor's arm away from her head gently. "We don't want that to start bleeding again."

Taylor looks at Karlie for some time before realising the girl is talking about the cut on her head. "Oh, yeah." She mumbles, placing her hands in her own lap. She starts staring out of the window then, still feeling the younger girl's stare on her as she does so.

"It looks beautiful here." Taylor says, watching how green trees are passing by quickly and wide, green landscapes are appearing in the background. The sun appears to be going under in a while and so theres an orange glow surrounding everything.

"It does." Karlie says, a smile on her face as she watches the singer. She thinks the blonde woman next to her looks beautiful in this light. But then again, Karlie always thinks Taylor looks beautiful. 

"Tay?" She asks, knowing they have to talk about what happened earlier the day.

"Yes?" Taylor says, turning her head around to see Karlie's green eyes staring at her.

"Do you wanna talk about.. earlier?" Karlie asks, cutting straight to the point.

"What about it?" Taylor asks quickly, looking down at her own hands instead of at the other woman.

"Well, we were almost attacked in our apartment. Thats a really scary thing to experien-"

"Well, it all ended well, didn't it." Taylor interrupts the green eyed blonde, who looks up in surprise, since she was staring at her own hands too.

"Yeah but I mean you must be-"

"Karls.." Taylor sighs then. "Im wanted by scary criminals. Its a known fact by now."

"I know but-"

"Yes, it is scary. But I guess im going to have to live with it for now. I have you to protect me and apparently you're the kind of person that thinks everything through and well, you work for the government and they give us drivers and cars so, its fine for now. I trust you." Taylor says, looking Karlie in her green eyes. The younger woman just sits there, staring at Taylor with her mouth hanging half open. 

"Okay?" Taylor asks, smiling a small smile at her.

 'She is a freakin tough one.' Karlie thinks as she nods her head 'yes'.

"So when are we there? Im hungry." Taylor says, breaking the tense atmosphere. Karlie lets out a giggle.

"Wait, let me ask." She says, tapping on the window separating the front and the back area of the car. "Yo, Josh." She says. The small window opens, revealing a man in a black suit with his sunglasses on. "How long still?"

"10 more minutes, Karlie." The man Taylor now knows as Josh, replies with a small smile on his face.

"Okay, thanks." Karlie says, and the window closes again.

"So who is he?" Taylor asks, curious to know as much about Karlie as she can. She obviously knows this man and so she wants to know about him.

We Run -A Kaylor Fanfic-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя