I'll Hold You Up When Your Down

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Hanna woke up to the annoying buzz of her alarm. She opened her eyes only to be blinded by the sun beaming through a small space between her curtains. She groaned and pull the soft blanket over her head. She wasn't ready to face the day. She needed coffee first. She slowly sat up, only to feel Jordan's big strong arm wrap around her waist and pull her back into the heat under the blanket.

"Good morning beautiful" he smiled. "How did my two favourite people sleep last night?" he said sitting up and kiss Hanna and then her belly which was beginning to grow a little. Hanna smiled but she felt a pang of guilt in her gut. She decided she would tell him that day. She just needed to meet up with Caleb first.

Once Jordan had left for work she ran upstairs and showered. Then she dried and curled her hair. She went into her wardrobe and picked out a snowy white knitted jumper and slipped on a pair of fitting navy blue jeans and a comfy pair of pale pink converse. She dreaded the thought that in two months time that none of her clothes would fit her and she would have to go shopping for maternity outfits. But at the same time she couldn't wait to buy the cutest little baby outfits. Especially in New York. Then it hit her. After she told Jordan would she even be going to New York or would she live out the rest of her life in Rosewood?
She pushed those thoughts away and did her makeup before grabbing her handbag and going to meet Caleb.

Caleb made his way through the bushes and into the small playground too find Hanna sitting on one of the swings.

"Hey" he said walking towards her.
She didn't say anything, but she stood up and gave him a tight hug. The stood hugged each other for what seemed like forever before sitting back down on the swings. They sat in silence for a while, enjoying the peace and quiet. Hanna sighed.

"I'm going to tell him... Tonight" Hanna said looking at Caleb.
He reached out and and grabbed her hand, trying to comfort her, though he knew no amount of comforting he did would ever prepare her for what she had to do.

"What will I do if he kicks me out?" she said as her eyes began to fill with tears. Caleb got up and squatted down before her and cupped her face like he did on her wedding day.

"If he kicks you out, you come to me. I will always be here for you. You can always come to me, no matter what" he reassured her. He leaned in and kissed her forehead as she smiled through her tears.

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