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Leah's POV

I was having a great time at prom with Jessamyn, other than the fact there was an annoying nagging voice in the back of my mind, triggering my wolf senses to act up. Why? Because of Ray Anne. She smelt awful. She smelt like vampires. I'm not talking about the same scent that the Cullens have though.

I have discovered that vampires who feed off of humans have a much stronger stench than the ones who feed off of animals. I'm not really sure why they have different smells, but that's just how it is. Ray had the stench of vampires who feed off of human blood. I was surprised that I was able to control my wolfy instincts, but I knew it wouldn't last long. I probably seemed like a jerk when I excused Jess and I from being around Ray, but it was honestly for the sake of everyone's safety, including my own.

Dancing with Jess seemed to calm me down a whole lot but I still couldn't completely ignore the disgusting stench floating around the room. Why would Ray smell like them?

Once again, I shook the thoughts off my mind and focused on Jess. I watched how she swayed her hips to the slow song. Her hips were dangerously close to mine. I couldn't help but imagine how it would feel to have her pelvic area pressed onto me while she still rocked her hips to the music. My sex drive had been out of control lately and it was actually kind of embarrassing. I like to think that it's Jessamyn's fault. She does this to me.

As if Ray could sense that I was at peace in my mind, she came into my view. She was only about 5 foot steps away from me. She narrowed her eyes at me, looked at Jess, then looked at me again. What the hell is this chick's problem?

The song ended, but Jess and I stayed in the same position. "Leah, are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah," I quickly lied. How was I supposed to explain that vampires are just as real as werewolves? I didn't fully explain the legends to Jess and prom was definitely not the place for talking about these things.

She sighed. "We can leave if you want,"

I was about to answer until Ray came up beside Jess. I held my breath.

"Jess, what are you doing after prom? I wanna catch up on where we left off," she said, completely ignoring my presence. Her disgusting hand rested on Jess' shoulder and I clenched my fists up, remembering Jessamyn's confession about how she and Ray had a thing going on with each other for a little while.

"I'm going to be with Leah," Jess answered in a harsh tone and shook her head. Ray removed her hand from Jessamyn's shoulder and raised her eyebrows. "Well, maybe we can hang out another ti----"

"No!" I growled, interrupting Ray's sentence. They both looked at me with alarmed eyes. "Sheesh, you jealous?" Ray asked.

"No, but when Jess clearly rejects you, that means you should give up!" I defended.

My hands were shaking and heat began rippling up my spine. "Leah! Hey, let's go outside!" Jess said, grabbing my hand and running through the gym. We made it outside and hid around the other side of the building. My anger hadn't subsided one bit.

"Leah! What's wrong with you?" Jess inquired. I couldn't tell if she was pissed or if she was concerned.

"Ray!" I spat.

"Why are you worried about her? You're letting her ruin our night Leah!"

The heat rippled further up my spine. Uh oh.

"Jess, step back!" I ordered and covered my face with my hands.

"No! What-----" she shrieked as I morphed into wolf form while shredding my dress and destroying my heels. "Holy shit!!!" Jess shrieked again.

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