(A/N) Finished Art Requests!

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I have finished the requests you guys have sent, and I'm proud.

I have finished the requests you guys have sent, and I'm proud

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Arin shooting a zombie with his Mega Man arm-gun thingy. Added a lil' Steven for good measure. Requested by TheMidnightGamer69

Danny being held by Markimoo and Mark being proud of his manliness

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Danny being held by Markimoo and Mark being proud of his manliness. Requested by Katie100kathrine I literally fist pumped in happiness when I read this one.

 Requested by Katie100kathrine I literally fist pumped in happiness when I read this one

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Barry and Kevin going over schematics together. Requested by kamea36912

Daddy Danny and Mark with baby Kevin

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Daddy Danny and Mark with baby Kevin. Requested by Nerdy_Strega This was one of the cutest ideas ever.

Thank you all so much for the requests! I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

By the way, the thing up top is the live action version of last chapter's 'Meet Me Inside' thing featuring the real Sam and Lexi. Sam is the one in the red shirt and Lexi is obviously the other person. And, in case you were wondering, yeah I inserted myself in the story. What of it. I killed myself off. Any who, bye.


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