On The Run Part 1

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I sat up at the sound of a few voices whispering. Opening my eyes, I could see that almost everyone had woken up; Arin, Suzy, Barry, Ross. Danny was lying, his back towards me, on the opposite side of the room from me. I clutched my chest at the sight.

"Is everyone up?" Lexi asked somewhat quietly. "Yeah," Arin looked over to Danny. "you up, Dan?" He shifted and flipped over to face everyone to answer his question. "Cool, we're gonna put on breakfast." she pointed her thumb towards the kitchen. "We got toaster waffles!" Madison exclaimed suddenly coming from behind the corner.

Everyone gathered into a small group to talk and hang out, but I hung back in the area I slept in. My knees against my chest, I played back the events of last night in my head. I wasn't too clear on why Danny was mad at me, but I hated seeing him mad. Danny doesn't get mad at anything or anyone usually. He's very laid back. So you know you fucked up when he's full-on pissed at you.

"What's a matta you?"

Sam came in and sat next to me, her knees up to her chest as well.

"You seem depressed. A depressed Mark is not a good Mark. A depressed anyone isn't a good anyone..." she thought.

I sighed, "It's just... I don't know..." I stare at Dan, smiling and having fun like he normally does.

Sam makes a two with her fingers and tries to locate where I'm looking.

"How come you're staring at him?" she asks. "If you want to give that man love, go forth."

"I can't..."

"Why not?"

"He's pissed at me."

"Excuse me? Danny is pissed at you? What did you do? If you don't mind me asking."

He then turned his head towards me, and glared. I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"I said that I don't belong in the Rebellion and that I should go back and be Fel—I mean His puppet."

"Who's He?"

I shoot her a confused look and her eyes widen with a confused look as well.

"You don't know who He is?"

"Should I?"

"Well yeah."

"Is He like an ultimate being of wisdom that people now worship as a religion to replace Christianity in this miserable wasteland or something?"

"What? No, he's... a former friend of ours."


"Did you ever watch Pewdiepie?"

"Yes, I did indeed."

"That's who He is. He's the one who cause all this."

She was silent. She just stared at me with her eyes wide, blinking.

"Excuse me..." she mumbled.

Before I could give an explanation, Lexi called us all to breakfast. She had two plates with two separate piles of toaster waffles, steam was rising from both. The warm scent filled the air around us as Madison pulled out a half-full syrup bottle on the counter. Sam grabbed a waffle and started eating plain, while the girls gave a weird look. "Why can't you eat breakfast normally? Like, ever." Lexi piped up. Sam shrugged.

Since there were too many of us to sit at the table, Lizzy laid out a large blanket on the floor next to the table. She told us it's a breakfast picnic.

I sat between Arin and Lizzy while Danny was between Sam and Ross. Him and Sam kept talking about different bands that they listen to, not looking at me once. I know I'm somewhat obsessing, but I can't help it. Our relationship is on the edge and it's my fault.

"So," Arin grabbed everyone's attention. "what kind of monstrosities does this state have to offer? I mean Utah had fucking zombies, you guys got anything?" The girls all looked at each other, "We have what Sam calls Reapers." Lexi finally spoke. Everyone looked at each other in confusion. "So, y'know those creatures from when you guys played Silent Hill: Shattered Memories?" Sam asked Arin and Dan, to which they both nodded. "Reapers are those things." They shuttered. "I hate those things so much..." Dan stated under his breath. "But don't worry, like those things, they freeze everything they touch and hate daylight." she added. 'So if everything freezes in this house while it's night, we're semi-fucked.'

"Hey Dan, can ask you something?" Ross asked. "Sure." Dan answered, a bit of confusion in his voice. "Why are you and Mark fighting?"

The room went silent for a moment as Dan stared at Ross wide eyed. "You two are fighting? Why?!" Suzy exclaimed. Everyone kept asking both of us why we were fighting, and I could tell it was getting to him. He then stood up suddenly, "I'm going to take a walk..." he almost mumbled. He then stormed out through the back door. I ran after him.

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