You Deserve To Know The Truth

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Suzy stared at me. A blank expression. Slowly, her eyes drifted downwards in shock. She sighed, "You really want to know that badly, huh?" She motioned for me to follow her.

She took me to towards a room I had never been in, hers.

Once inside, she shut the door and sat on the floor, patting a spot next to her. I did as her hand asked of me, and gave her all my attention.

"It was when the world was first starting to go to shit. Arin and I had just picked up Dan from apartment and were getting the whole gang back together. It's better to be in a large group in this type of life, right?

"Well, when we were driving towards Ross and Holly's house, we noticed that we smelled smoke more and more clearer as we drove closer. Then, we saw the whole thing engulfed in flames. A pillar of black smoke rising from the collapsing building.

"We immediately parked the car as near as we could get and tried to get inside to see if either of them were still in there. But the exits were blocked by fallen debris. All of them.

"As soon as we saw Ross's body lying on the ground without Holly, we knew what had happened. Not exactly, but we could make a guess.

"Arin and Dan ran towards him at full speed to check on him, and his whole half of his body was charred and burnt so much, I puked in the bushes. He was still conscious, though. He kept asking if Holly was okay and where she was. But we couldn't answer him." she started to tear up, and her voice started wobbling.

Suddenly, the door opened, startling both of us. "That's not the whole thing, y'know." Ross. "I know what happened before the whole place started burning." He shut the door again behind him and sat down with Suzy and I. "Ross," Suzy said whipping her eyes, trying not to smudge her makeup. "I thought you wouldn't want to talk about this. Especially not to Kevin." He sighed, and gave me a stern look. "No, he needs to know this sooner or later."

He took a deep breath, and exhaled.

"It started as a normal day. We were debating going out into town and getting supplies, since we knew what was happening and wanted to prepare for it. But lately, I noticed Holly was acting... different. She was no longer her cheery self, but more secluded and depressed. Her and I would get into an argument about the easiest things. She'd get pissed at me, but then the next moment she'd start crying her eyes out, apologizing.

"I was getting ready to go into town when... it happened..."


I had gotten everything ready: my pack, my clothes, and even a weapon just in case. I was about to give Holly a kiss goodbye, but she was in a corner of the living room. Her back turned towards me and mumbling something. 'Weird...' I thought.

"You okay, sweetie?" I reached out for her shoulder.

"I can't do this anymore, Ross."


"Do what anymore?" I asked cautiously.

"This!" she screamed.

'She can't mean...'

"I can't do this anymore! I just can't live in constant fear of being killed every single day!" she was crying now.

"Holly, c'mere." I opened my arms.

"Stay back, Ross. I don't want to hurt you..."


She turned slowly towards me to reveal a grenade in her hands, tears streaming down her face. My eyes widened.

"Holly, please. Put it down. We'll get through this together. I promise."



She pulled the ring, "Run."

I refused. I forced my way towards her, but she wouldn't let go of the grenade. She was screaming, crying, begging me to leave her, but I wouldn't do it. Then, there was a flash of light. The last thing I remember is her screaming my name, and hearing broken glass.


Tears were streaming down his face, but he managed to finish his story through his sobs. I could feel a couple tears fall down my face as he told his story. I enveloped him into a comforting hug and let his cry on my shoulder. We sat there for a solid ten minutes, receiving knocks and others asking if we were okay. I'd tell them we were fine.

"Hey Ross?" I asked.


"Is that why you draw her? Cause you miss her?"

He gave a light chuckle.

"No, well that's not the main reason." he let go of my embrace. "I draw her because I never want to forget her face." he smiled.

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