To Walk Among The Stones

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I wanted to try something a little different and upload some poems that I've written...I realized that this would be a good place to get honest feedback from strangers (who are often more honest in criticism than friends).

Please, let me know what you think, even if you think they're horrible rubbish. :)

This one is called To Walk Among The Stones:

To walk among the stones,

To court death,

To breathe the decay of those,

Lying in the land,

Memories of past lives,

Lost lives,

Last lives.

To walk among the stones,

Missing those once loved,

Still remembered,

Forever gone,

But in our hearts,

Our minds,

Our souls.

To walk among the stones,

Treading lightly,

So as not to wake the dead,

Seeming so peaceful,

Like sleepers,

But never to awake again,

To breathe again,

To live again.

To walk among the stones,

To find the one worth finding,

Praying for their soul,

Laying flowers down for all to see,

Your offer of colors,

Of scents,

Of love.

To walk among the stones,

Your tears to fall,

Slowly falling from your eyes,

You mourn them,

You miss them,

You'll never see them again.

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