Chapter 39: Say goodbye

Start from the beginning


"I won’t. Please don’t make me.” I plead with her, hoping she would move and let me kill him so she could come back.

Kira sighs and bows her head, walking past my sword and right in front of me, her face right in front of mine. “Let me go.” Kira whispers, her eyes dilating and enlarging. “I will come back, but only if you let me go now. Please, Shiro, just let me go. It will be for the better and I promise I will come back.” Kira whispers as she leans in and gives me a tight hug. “Don’t forget me.”

I just stand there, not able to move or speak. “I will come back. I promise.” Kira whispers as she plants a soft kiss on my lips. “Goodbye Shiro.”

My voice finally comes back and I am able to speak just before Kira disappears.

“I won’t. I love you Kira.” I whisper just as Kira pulls away and steps back to Aizen.

She smiles slightly at me before her and Aizen are sucked up into a big yellow light. They disappear and I fall to the ground in one big crumpled heap.

Kira was gone now. She said it wouldn’t be forever but I’m not sure. I just hope things will be better and she will come back to me.

Was it the right decision to let her go?


*Kira’s P.o.V.*

I probably just ripped Toshiro’s heart out, as well as my own. I wanted to stay but I knew I had to come back here and stay, at least until after the battle in nine days.

I roll over in bed and stuff my face in my pillow, letting tears come freely and softly. Why was my life so screwed up? Everything in this freaking universe hated me. Nothing went right for me and nothing stayed good.

My life was utterly falling apart and there was nothing I could do to stop it or make it better. I guess after this was all over I could try and start over. But I know that it will somehow get worse than it already was.

A knock sounds at my door and I jolt up in bed, wiping away my tears frantically. I crawl off my bed and walk over to the door, pulling it open slowly. “What?” I ask, frustrated that I was disturbed during my me time.

“Can I come in?” I look up to see Orihime.

I nod slowly and open the door more, letting her enter before closing it again. “What’s up?” I ask as I make my way over to Orihime who was sitting on my bed.

“You’ve been crying. Why?” Orihime states, her eyes looking at me with understanding and sadness.

“Everything’s over Orihime. My life is falling apart.” I sob, tears starting to cascade down my cheeks.

“It’s okay honey. Want to tell me what happened?” Orihime asks as she pulls me into a hug and starts stroking my hair.

“I was in the Soul Society and I was spending time with Toshiro. Then Aizen came and tried to take me away and Toshiro tried to stop him. I told Shiro to let me go and that I would be back. I know I should have stayed but I couldn’t, I just couldn’t. Everything’s over. Everything with Grimmjow, Ulquiorra and Toshiro. Everything.” I sob, hugging Orihime tighter and crying more.

“It will all be okay. Everything will turn out fine. I promise.” Orihime reassures me as she quiets my cries.

Her words made me feel better but I was still unsure. Would everything be okay? Only time will tell.

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