Chapter 10

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"You can make a new friend but you can't make an old one."
-Tom Bodett-

He were are, back again right after breakfast...

...only two days later...

I'd say, we just start now?


After Cheryl had given the door a triple knock, it opened and a bombastic "Happy birthday!" sounded out of the kitchen and then they began to sing. By 'they' I mean Cheryl, her whole family, including all her four siblings, my family of course, further Emma and Grace and... "Kelly!", I screeched at the sight of my best friend back in Jersey and she stood there and waved while singing on. I jumped a little up and down with excitement and impatience, nevertheless enjoying the song and the decoration (paper flowers everywhere in all different colours and small butterflies between them) and then, just when they finished singing, I rushed towards Kelly and hugged her.
"Blimey, I missed you so much!", I called out, giving her a beaming smile, "How does it come that you are here?"
She laughed and meant: "Well, it was a week ago that this girl phoned me, telling me that she was a friend of yours and wanted to invite me for the birthday party. I simply said yes and my parents accompanied me, they are staying in a hotel in the town."
I whirled around: "Who did invite Kelly?" I expected Cheryl at first but she shook her head and made a gesture sidewards. Grace was grinning but negated it too. Emma's cheek were pink and she looked at her feet.
"Emma!", I screamed and flew on top of her, "You lovely little thing!!!" And I gave her a big hug too.
She went crimson and mumbled a quiet "No big deal..." but I disagreed. "No, this is, wow, this is amazing, I would have never thought you would...", and then I went out of words and simply stared.
Which made Cheryl laugh, she began to giggle and then we all burst out too.

After we had calmed down a little, Cheryl announced that it was "Time to unwrap all those bloody presents!", and she pointed towards the living room, marching there first, one after another following.
I wanted to go too, when Mummy held me back. She gave me a smile, stroke my cheek and planted a small kiss on my brow. She just watched me, loving, mother-like. Just then I noticed, that for the first time ever, it hadn't been her, who had congratulated me first, and it was as if a part of my childhood was falling apart. It was a strange feeling but then it was replaced by a new, more grown-up and independent piece, and it was okay. I was not less myself and not more myself, I was just different now. And as Mummy asked me with a smile if I were happy, I could proudly answer with a "Yes, I am!"

It's hard to find the right words for the feelings I had... Those situations are part of the process of becoming an adult and sometimes they make you feel sad and sometimes they make you feel proud and most of the time you don't even notice them.

But your parents always do. They recognize every tiniest change in your behaviour and also for them, seeing their children grow up, is somewhat sad and somewhat beautiful.

We struggle with the words but I could recommend you a song, to which we are listening right now.

That's why we are so philosophic.

Yep. It's called Slipping through my Fingers. By ABBA.

Look it up, it is beautiful.

Are you crying?


A bit.

Same here.

Oh Jesus.



We had better write on now, with the happy and hilarious parts of the party!

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