Chapter 1

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"We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another."
-Luciano De Crescenzo-

It all began on that day in April. I still remember it like it's been yesterday, it rained...

Like hell! hell and we arrived in the late afternoon, but it's been dark outside because of the heavy clouds.
It's been all muddy and I remember thinking that I didn't want to leave the warm car. Nobody wanted, so we remained sitting there, inspecting the house, while the rain splashed against our windows.

I have watched you...

Yes, you did indeed, I felt your looks and I turned around... And you've been there, your pale face pressed against your window...

I'll give you a pale face, you've been pale too!


Okay, okay, so I sat there, my face pressed against my window. I've been so excited...

And we've watched each other...

My vision blurred because of the heavy drops running along the glass, I looked at the girl. And she was looking at me. I tried a smile, my heart beating fast with excitement, she seemed around my age, maybe we could become friends! She moved, her hand appeared beside her head. She waved. Slowly I waved back, suddenly the whole thing with Mommy losing her job and the following plan to leave Jersey and move here, to Bethnal Green, a town I haven't even heard of before, didn't seem that bad anymore. Of course, I've had to say goodbye to my old life, my best friend Kelly, my school and everything but I could make new friends here, in my new school and maybe the girl was in my class and if not we could meet in the afternoons. I grinned, "Mommy", I said, "I don't hate moving anymore." She gave me a tired smile, "I'm glad you like it, Jessica."

You were still called Jessica those days, I remember! Next thing you left the car, running to the house, right?

Right, after we all have watched the house for several minutes, Mom and Dad decided to explore the house from the inside first and to leave our stuff in the car for taking it later, after it would have stopped raining...

"Now!", Mommy shouted and Lance, my older brother, and I ran as fast as we could. Although it was only a short way to the dry house we were completely soaked when we finally reached it. It was freezing, although we were in the middle of April the whether remained like in February: around 5 degrees. My teeth shattered and I was trembling but nevertheless I peeked through the front door, rain immediately wetting my long blonde hair, to catch a glimpse of the neighbour's house. I still could see the girl's head, her hair in two small pigtails. She was obviously talking to someone in the room behind her but suddenly she turned around again. She noticed me watching her and grinned, then she began to gesticulate very fast and intricately. I shrugged a little helplessly and gave her a small smile. She laughed and ripped open the window.
"Wait there! My mom is coming to help you!", she shouted surprisingly loud. Just as she said her front door opened a few seconds later and a woman in a huge yellow mac appeared. Mommy came from behind me approaching the girl's mom who welcomed her with a hug. I could see Mommy's surprise about this action and laughed. Daddy joined the conversation, shaking the woman's hand with a warm smile.
I turned to the girl again. She still leaned widely out of her window. "What's your name?", I shouted but compared to her voice the words sounded weak and quiet. "What??", she screamed, her pigtails fluttering in the wind. "I said what's your name?", I cried as loud as I could. "Oh", she nodded, "Yes, it's always raining here."
I shook my head and laughed. With a quick look I assured myself that Mommy and Daddy were busy talking and ran over the big yard to the girl. "I said what's your name", I said breathlessly and for some reason the girl burst out giggling. "I know!", she meant, "I just wanted you to come over!" And she collapsed laughing. I wondered about whether I should frown at her but her laughter was so catchy that I decided to rather join her.
After giggling for a while she gave me a cheeky smile, "What do you think about climbing up here and then watching the adults looking for you?" I hesitated, thinking about Mommy, who was already stressed with the whole move, but then I agreed, a bit of fun would be good for her. Plus the girl's room was only first floor so it wasn't dangerous and all.

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