Chapter ii: The Match Maker

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"This is what you give me to work with? Well, honey, I've seen worse!" The woman sang as she pulled Katelyn behind a screen so she could get undressed. "We are gonna turn this sow's ear, into a silk purse." She said, pushing Katelyn into the bubbly water.

"I-it's....FREEZING!" Katelyn exclaimed, shivering in the water as she hugged herself.

"It would've been warm if you were here on time." Her mother said with a look.

"We'll have you washed and dried. Primed and polished till you glow with pride. Trust my recipe for instant bride! You'll bring honor to us all." The woman sang, washing Katelyn's hair and rinsing it, walking away.

Katelyn's mother picked up her daughter's right arm to scrub it, noticing the writing. "Katelyn? What is this?" She asked

"Uh...notes? In case I forget something?" Katelyn said, giving a nervous smile.

"Hold this. You'll need more luck than I thought." The grandmother said, handing Li the cage with the cricket.

"Wait and see. When were through." One woman sang.

"Boys will gladly go to war for you." The other sang.

"With good fortune-"

"And a great hairdo,"

"You'll bring honor to us all." They sang in harmony

Katelyn was already in part of her outfit and her hair was up in her bun as her mother led her out of that building to go to the next.

"A girl can bring her family great honor in one way. By striking a good match. And this could be the day."

Katelyn was now standing on a stool, getting the rest of the fabrics of her dress put on.

"Men want girls with good taste."



"Who work fast paced."

"With good breeding-"

"And a tiny waist,"

"You'll bring honor to us all!" The women sang as they worked.

"We all must serve our Emperor, who guards us from the Huns. A man by bearing arms. A girl by bearing sons." The women sang as Li lead Katelyn to the last location before her match making.

"When we're through, you can't fail. Like a lotus blossom. Soft and pale. How could any fellow say 'No sale?' You'll bring honor to us all!" A woman sang as she finishes Katelyn's makeup. Li took our a comb like hair piece and put it into Katelyn's bun.

"There. You're ready." She said with a smile.

"Not yet!" Said her grandmother. "An apple for serenity!" She said, sticking an apple into Katelyn's mouth. Katelyn took a bite, and took it out of her mouth, smiling slightly. "A pendent for balance." She added, setting a pendant into the folds of fabric.

"Beads of Jade for beauty. You must proudly show it." She put a necklace of Jade beads around Katelyn's neck as she sang this. "Now add a cricket, just for luck. And even YOU can't blow it!" She said, hooking the cage with the cricket onto some of the fabric.

"Ancestors! Hear my plea! Help me not to make a fool of me. And to not uproot my family tree. Keep my father standing tall!" She sang as she made her way to where the other girls were.

Before Katelyn got too far, Li gave her a blue umbrella.

"Scarier than the undertaker. We are meeting our Match Maker!" The girls sang as Katelyn got in line properly.

"Destiny. Guard our girls. And our future as it fast unfurls. Please look kindly on these cultured pearls. Each a perfect porcelain doll." The women sang.

"Please bring honor to us-"

"Please bring honor to us-"

"Please bring honor to us-"

"Please bring honor to us-"

"Please bring honor to us all!" They all sang just as the Match Maker, Zane (A/N: I KNOW!! I had too!! XD), slammed the doors open.

"Katelyn." He said in a low, yet scary voice.

"Present!" She called, raising her hand, and standing.

"Speaking without permission..?" He asked, writing something down on his clipboard.

"Oops.." She muttered, following him.

"Who spit in HIS bean curd?" The grandmother asked Li, who looked worried.

He then began to inspect her. Not in a creepy way, but as if classifying her. He shook his head and clicked his tounge. "Too skinny.." He said, and wrote on his clipboard. "Mm. Not good for bearing sons.." As he said this, Katelyn tried grabbing the cricket, which had somehow gotten out of its cage. She couldn't keep it contained before he came back over, so she put it in her mouth.

"Recite the final admonition." He said. Katelyn nodded, pulling out her fan and extending it. Before she began, she spit the cricket out of her mouth.

"Fulfill your duties calmly and respectfully." She began, almost messing up on respectfully. "Reflect before you snack. Act! This shall bring you honor and glory!" She said, sighing as she finished.

Zane grabbed her right arm, taking the fan from her hand. He inspected it and sighed, giving it back. He then began to lead her to a table.

"This way.." He said, letting go of her arm. On his hand was a bunch of ink. "Now. Pour the tea." He said, gesturing for her to pour it.

"To please your future in-laws," He continued. "You must demonstrate a sense of dignity." He said, making a circle around his mouth with his fingers. And the ink as well. So it looked like he had a goatee on his pale face. It, honestly, looked rather comical. "And refinement. You must also be poised."

Katelyn realized she was pouring the tea onto the table instead of into the cup. She then quickly fixed that and filled up the cup. She looked down at the cup and saw the cricket in it. Zane picked it up, planning to drink it.

"Um...pardon me..." She said quietly.

"And silent!" He said, sniffing the tea.

"Could I just take that back? For a moment." She said, struggling to get it back. Zane fell backwards, the cricket going into his shirt.

"Why you clumsy little-oo!" He called out. He jumped around, causing him to fall onto hot coals. He jumped up, his butt pretty much on fire.

Katelyn didn't know exactly what to do, so she took her fan and waved at the spot. Now his butt was literally on fire!

Crashing and things breaking was heard from outside. Her grandmother turned to Li and said, "I think it's going well. Don't you?"

Zane burst out, his butt still on fire, shouting "Put it out!" over and over again.

Katelyn had the pot full tea in hand and splashed it on Zane. It put out the fire and caused the ink beard to drip. She handed it back and tried hiding her face as she walked to her mother and grandmother.

"You are a disgrace! You may LOOK like a bride, but you will NEVER bring your family honor!" He shouted, turning away. Her grandmother and mother glared after him, then turned to Katelyn, sympathetic looks on their faces.

Zane was right. There was no way for her to bring honor to her family now..


Word count: 1188

Hope you're enjoying this so far!! >3<

~Little Dragon~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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