But she held her cool like always and pulled out the chair next to muscle bound god's gift to women.

Leaving me to take the chair next to the eyebrow wonder.

"It's pretty busy tonight." The giant smiled at us as we were seated.

Aubrey took a swig of her beer "It certainly is." she murmured.

I took in my surroundings swiftly and the bar was definitely filling to the brim rapidly.

With all of these people if Aubrey was serious about her mission she would definitely find someone if one of these two wasn't the man.

"So um I'm Zack." the dark haired god smiled making me melt "And this is Matt." Indicating to the muscled giant

"Oh well I'm Samantha and this is Aubrey." I told them cursing my self for sounding so awkward.

Aubrey smiled and taking the lead she stuck her hand out to shake their hand which of course they accepted.

I admired her courage and cool intellect. I would've never thought to do that. Even if I had, I wouldn't have had the courage to execute it.

"So what brought you two here?" The big one, Matt asked.

"Needed a night out." Aubrey responded nonchalantly, making her self ooze with coolness as she took another swig of her beer.

I really wish I could take lessons on how to remain awesome around hunks, like her.

"God me too." Matt muttered taking a healthy swig of his beer also.

I felt sort of out of place and awkward, well more awkward if that was possible, just sitting there sipping my beer and staring at Zack.

Suddenly and quite painfully Aubrey kicks me under the table.

"Ouch." I muttered shooting her a glare.

What the hell was that for? Probably my staring I assumed until I watched her covertly raise her hand to her hair, wiggling her ring finger at me.

I quickly glance at their left hands and sure enough on both of them glistened gold wedding bands.

Figures the sexy ones are always taken.

I felt my mouth pop open into a comical "O."

I was sure Aubrey knew I got the message because her eyes glittered slightly.

"So would you ladies like a drink?" I think his name was Matt asked.

"Oh no I'm fine thanks." Aubrey declined shaking her head.

It was my turn to kick her for sticking her foot in her mouth.

I swiftly kicked her shin "Yeah that would be nice." I accepted and smiled.

Aubrey shot me a death glare as they two men got up from the table and pushed their way to the bar through the thick crowd.

"What are you doing, they're both married." Aubrey hissed.

"So? I'm not trying to hit on them. They offered, I accepted." I snapped at her.

Free booze was free booze no matter if it came from a married man or not. Then price of drinks in any bar was astronomical.

"Yeah but sitting with them will kind of lessen my chances of finding some guy." Aubrey explained rolling her eyes.

I drained my beer and smiled "Shut up Aubrey." I laughed "Just enjoy yourself and stop thinking about getting a guy."

She shook her head at me. I know that's what tonight was about but hey, free drinks.

"Here you go." Matt said as he and Zack appeared out of nowhere setting down our beers.

"Thanks." Aubrey mumbled smiling.

"So do you feel like dancing?" Matt asked Aubrey

"Um," Aubrey started before taking a gulp of her new beer "I'm not drunk enough yet." she stammered.

Matt laughed a big hearty laugh. I noticed then was Aubrey staring.

"Well let me know when you are." Matt said and then winked at her

Aubrey turned to me blushing and I had to fight the laughter in my throat.

Who would've thought it? Aubrey was blushing.

I was pretty sure Matt was flirting with Aubrey.

"So," I smirked at Aubrey, "What do you guys do for a living?" I asked.

Thank god for liquid courage.

"Well if we told you, you probably wouldn't believe us." Zack said smiling.

That's when I noticed he had really dark circles under his eyes. Poor guy.

Was he flirting with me?

"Try me." I smiled

Goodness was I flirting with a married man? What the hell was wrong with me?

"We're in a band." Zack stated.

OK not flirting.

But at the mention of a band it did dawn on me they did look a bit familiar.

"Oh sweet." I mumbled feeling a little embarrassed for attempting to flirt with a married man.  I take a huge drink of my beer to drown my embarrassment.

Of course they're in a band I thought. Let's face it they're fucking gorgeous.

"You should check us out." Matt told Aubrey smiling.

Now he may be married but I'm pretty sure that was a flirty smile towards Aubrey.

I Am Your Wrath I Am Your Guilt I am Your LustWhere stories live. Discover now