hope can hurt

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i hope someone holds you when you're sad and rubs your back the way i know you like it. i hope someone loves that smile and laugh and never wants to hear it end. i hope someone looks back at photos of you and think about how lucky they are that they met you, that by chance, they ended up with one of the most genuine and kind people they've ever met, someone who goes out of their way to help out, even when they're in a time of crisis. i hope that holds your hand when you're walking around in public because i know you get so insecure about how people look at you but with someone by your side and holding on tight, you feel so much calmer. i hope someone will let you wear all of their old sweaters because you are always cold and i know you love it when people give you things, it makes you feel so special. i hope someone actually listens to you when you speak, you have such a lovely voice and so many great opinions, it would be a shame for them to be overlooked.

i hope they make you happy, even if it's not me.

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