question tag!

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i was tagged by @revengeavenue for the question tag! i'm too lazy to write my own questions so if i tag you just use these.

do you read fanfiction, what ship is your favorite?
yes, i do, i read mostly joshler and phan.

favorite music genre?
alternative, punk, indie, rock, etc.

first band i was obsessed with?
the wiggles.

hidden talent?
ha i have no talents.

introvert or extrovert?
i actually took the myers-briggs test and i am a INFJ and 100% introverted.

do i take lots of naps?
not really, i have never really been able to take naps.

coffee or tea?

who's your favorite youtuber?
savannah brown, dodie, dan, and phil.

what's your favorite time of day?

last book you read?
i read pride and prejudice and everything, everything.

met an internet friend irl?

last photo on your camera roll?
don't judge me

last photo on your camera roll?don't judge me

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okay that's enough.

tag, you're it:

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