a moment of truth

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you are alive,
now that you're reading this poem,
you're becoming more aware of it,
maybe you have to think about your breathing,
that's okay,
taking longer breaths helps with stress and anxiety.

the fact that you're alive is amazing,
the fact that you've chosen to stay alive is incredible.

chances are,
you've contemplated killing yourself,
out of search for a better place,
or even pure curiosity,
but no,
you're here,
reading this poem.

if you're still reading this poem,
good for you,
the fact that you didn't stop reading after seeing what this poem was about shows that you care about yourself.

look at you,
doing what's best for you!
i hope you're smiling,
because i sure am.

no matter how weak you think you are,
you know that this isn't the end.

go tell someone you love them,
go make art,
dance in the rain,
lay under the stars,
whatever makes you happy,
but if nothing else,

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