I have to quit

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*at gymnastics*
Annie: owwww! Coach Mary, I hurt my ankle!!!
Coach Mary: What!!! Lets call your parents!!
It really hurt. I twisted my ankle when I was doing my front Ariel on beam.
It was so bad, I had to go to the hospital.

Doctor: Mam, this is bad. Does she do a sport.

Katie(mom): Yes, she does gymnastics.

Doctor: sorry to tell u this mam, she has to quit for at least 3 years

I yelled, cried, hit, everything to get my mind off of it. If I quit, I can't be a gymnast in collage. I hated my life that day.
My mom sat with me, cuddled, but nothing made me feel better. I was mean to Hayley, cause I was jealous I couldn't do gymnastics.
*next day*
The next day I told coach Mary and all of my teammates. We all cried

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