Chapter 9 (Part 1)

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Melinda & Ms. Red^
X Warning X
Liam wears a flower crown and is not letting go of it.

•Derek's POV•
Having the school ban LGBTQ+ rights was the worst. I hid my phone inside my sweater while I kept my eyes on Liam. I was worried about him. What if the school finds out? And to make things worse, how would my mom, the head supervisor of the church and the founder of an anti-gay program in my school, react once she finds out I'm gay?
I didn't even notice myself oddly talking to myself . Well at least this one friend of mine named Jane,lionrule, did.
"A-are you okay?" asked the frizzy haired highschooler.

"Yea. Thanks for asking."

"Oh alright. Sorry to bother you. Just wanted to make sure." said Jane as she gave me a small grin.

~Time skipped~
After the assembly and two of my classes were over, I headed to science, which is by far my favorite class period. As soon as I walked in, my teacher Ms. Red passed out our tests exams from last Friday. She placed everyone's test on their desks except mine. The only thing she gave me was a bright yellow sticky note on my forehead. I took the note off my face and read in pen:

Mr. Collins.
Stay after class today. I have some things to discuss to you and your friend Liam about.

She slowly walked towards her desk with a weird look on her face, like if she knew something she can use against us. As soon as I was about to stand up from my seat to ask her about the note, Liam came in and sat down next to me. After a while everyone was at their desks and ready to get the class over with.

An hour and a half passed and the class period was over. Everyone rushed out of class except for me and Liam who were sitting in our seats, waiting patiently for our teacher.

Ms. Red took her head out the classroom door, looked both ways and quietly shut the door. She then turns to the both of us and hands us a small box with a red ribbon on top. We both looked at each other with confusion as I could tell Liam had the urge run off, leaving me here with an awkward situation.

R: Ms. Red

R:"Now before you two open the box, I want you guys to answer me this question. Are you two dating anyone? Any special laddies or young men right now?"


D: Why do you ask?


R: Hehe, I'd like to ask you another question. Are any of you two gay or part of the LGBTQ+ community?

L+D: *awkward silence and shyly looking at each other*

R:Welp, you two are the cutest gay couple I've ever met.

D: We're not a couple!

L: W-we're not?

D: Wait! I didn't me-

R: Alright, alright stop it. This is too cute and I can't handle it.

R: I'd like you two to meet someone. Someone very important to me.

Ms. Red opens a window and let's in a tall blonde woman wearing a white flower patterned dress. You could tell she had a bubbly personality by the hand bag she carried.

R: Boys, I'd like you to meet my lover who I've been with since highschool, Melinda.

L: you're very beautiful miss.

D: And...... what does this have to do with us?

R: Liam, can you go with Melina for a second? I have to talk with Derek for a bit. "

L: um.. Sure

M: Oh my gosh you're so cute and squishy!

M:*hugs Liam tightly*

R: Now Mr Collins, what seems to be the matter?

D: nothing ma'am

R: you really like him, don't you?

D: I do.

R: well then why is it hard for you to consider him as your partner?

D: Because I can't just go around and tell everyone that he's my boyfriend and I'm gay okay! I don't think you've noticed but I'm the founder's son!

R: you're?-

D: yes.

D: And I don't want Liam to get kicked out of school or get into trouble because of me. I-I care about him too much...

R: Well,
Open the box with Liam when you two are alone together or with me and Melinda.

R: Specking of Melinda. Honey!?

M: yes

R: Honey, let go of the boy. And take off that flower crown off him.

M: B-but he likes it.

L: yea I like it!

L: I'm keeping the flower crown!

M: He's definitely keeping the crown!

R: oh boy.

When Opposites Attact(boyxboy) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن