Crazy FanGirl!

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12! How is she 12. She's younger than me. 'Hi' I said again shyly, I was still holding dad's hand. 'Kelly, you watch her YouTube videos' dad said I was trying to fit her voice with a face 'ummm I don't think so' dad glared at me 'InTheDisneyCraze' my face lit up, like when Mum said to dad he could get a new car! Oh btw InTheDisneyCraze is a youtuber I watch she makes Disney things out of house hold things! (AS FAR AS I KNOW THIS CHANNEL DOESNT ACTUALLY EXSIT) yesterday she made a video where she turned a banana into a Mickey Mouse banana! 'H..E..L..L..O' I said shyly once again grace smiled and waved. Inside I was fan girling so much! I fan girled less when Stampy followed me on twitter, even tho he knew me I still fan girled xD

'I love your videos!' We both said at the same time. Squid laughed. 'So kelly I heard you love Minecraft.' I nodded 'Yep, I LOVE the creativity and the fact I can use my imagination to build anything I desire' dad looked at me 'Big words for such a small person!' I said

2 hours later

Inside it was busy. I was noticed a lot! Considering Me and Kay had a little amount of subscribers. Kay was here now. She knew who InTheDisneyCraze was because I talk about almost all the time (Yes I know she wasn't mentioned at all in the story) Tom knew Grace was here and hugged her. I could tell she was fan girling

Graces Pov
My phone kept bleeping. It was twitter from @Squidgirl04x like 10 tweets from her all of them said 'OMG IM AT I58 AND @iBallsticSquid and @Tomohawk and @InTheDinseyCraze are here!!'
She must be a crazy fan girl aha like me!

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