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Kelly's Pov
I was crying holding my stomach. 'Whats wrong' dad asked me. 'Really worried about Gracie, she is only 2 months old dad!' He hugged me tightly. I grabbed my inhaler from the side of the bed. I used it. Didn't help. Used it again. Didn't help. I panicked. I started to not able to breathe and crying more. The last thing I heard was 'NICOLE NICOLE!'

Squids Pov
'NICOLE NICOLE!' I screamed as Kelly was having a panic attack. I picked up my Phone and called 999. Nicole and Kay ran up 'WHAT DAD!' Kay shouted. I pointed to Kelly on her bed 'KELLY' Nicole and Kay screamed

Speedys Pov
I heard Kay shouting Kelly's name. I put Hayden in his play pen and went to check what all the noise was. Kelly was led on her bed not breathing... I ran to her and hugged her. Sirens filled my ears... 'Its okay Kelly!' I kissed her on the forehead

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