Ive never loved you...

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Kelly's Pov
"... Will you" my phone started to ring... "Hang on speedy it's lee"

I walked into the hall
"hey lee!"
"Kelly, I have something to tell you..."
"Lee? What's wrong are you hurt?"
"Kelly, listen remember that day I asked you out?"
"Well kelly, I only did it cause I felt sorry for you."
"Huh, I don't get what your saying?"
"Kelly I don't love you... I never have... Sorry kelly, it's over"
Lee hung up the phone

I ran up to speedy with tears streaming down my face, I hugged speedy tightly putting my head between his shoulders. "What's wrong kelly?" He whispered into my ear, it made my bones tingle and goosebumps appeared on to my skin
"Lee left me speedy, he never loved me!"
Speedy hugged me tighter

Speedys Pov
Oh god I can't tell kelly now that what state she is in, and I'm sure squid would agree with her doing this straight after lee braking up with her "what was it you wanted to tell me speedy?" Kelly asked slowly
"I was just gonna tell you that I..."
"Spit it out" kelly laughed softly
"I want to record a minecraft Series with you and Kay..."
"Is that it?"
"Kelly I love you" I blurted out... I felt so embarrassed
Kelly hugged me  'speedy I love you too!" She smiled

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