Milton's Secret part 3

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Part 3

He began to unsettle me right after breakfast.   " I hope you're none the worse for your fit of the vapours last night Miss Hale, "  he said; every inch  the  gallant gentleman showing concern for a lady's well being.

Then he pounced. He made his voice low and confidential, to make it clear these words were for my ears only.

" Damnably inconsiderate of me to remove my cravat in front of you that way,"

he said.

" I ought to know the effect it would have on a  fair and virtuous maiden by now.

 I do beg your pardon. "

I risked a look up into his face and realised my mistake. He was not in the least contrite.

Rather  he was highly amused to be letting me know he was aware of the effect he'd had on my unsuspecting person.

He also  wanted to see how I would respond. In the circumstances I felt it to be imperative that I at least attempt to bat back with a put down.

" You misunderstand My Lord,"  I said. I kept my voice as calm and steady as I could beneath the highly fascinated expression in his eyes.

" You must have noticed that it was rather stuffy last night. I should like to see you  spend all  of a warm day in a corset and not end up swooning, "  I ended, feeling very pleased with myself.

Alas I had not yet come to terms with the skill and experience of my opponent in this game.

" Bravo Miss Hale," he replied with much admiration.

" A most commendable shot for a beginner. I am not convinced however. The dining room was far stuffier than the parlour and you bore that with not the smallest quiver."

For the first time I heard his voice take on a  predatory huskiness and the floor almost gave way beneath me.

" You  really are most divinely enchanting when overcome you know my dear,"

 he informed me.

" The rose like flush on your damask cheeks, the heaving of your bosom."

He heaved a melodramatic sigh; then he smirked wickedly at me.

" I am resolved to make you do it again and again whenever humanly possible."

There are times in life when one knows that a fight is lost before it has begun.

When losing will be so sweet however and the fight itself such capital sport; to run away from the fray becomes unthinkable.

Milton continued his amorous assault all through the day.  I responded in every way I could think of barring girlish simpering or maidenly anguish at his forwardness.

Neither of these approaches would impress Milton  if I read him correctly.

I even became emboldened enough to attempt a little flirtation of my own.

We were taking tea at  4 O' clock  and Mama suggested that I preside on this occasion.

I have always been a  fast learner. Today I had learned that any word or action can be made flirtatious if done in the right way.

This was as good a  time as any to practice; and so I did.

It is common practice for a guest to be served first. I was careful to make sure only Milton saw my first attempts at flirtation and not my parents.

" Tea My Lord ?"   I asked demurely.

" If you please Miss Hale, "  he answered.  Those blue eyes washed over me; as though determined to drink in their fill.

Facing the Earl I carefully poured tea through the strainer and into the cup.  My lips softly  parted and I let my tongue sweep slowly across the lower one.

I raised my eyes in leisurely fashion and met his quite deliberately.  I wanted my next words to feel like some cosy confidence between intimates.

" Milk ? Sugar ? "  I spoke the words sotto voce.  I lingered on each one as though

these were special privileges I were offering to him alone.

Milton knew what I was about;  of course he did.  I could tell he was highly gratified

that I was playing along with him.

" Just milk please, "  he replied in the the same intimate tone as the one I used.

I added milk and  a teaspoon, then I stepped towards him.  I held the cup and saucer as though I carried a rare treasure upon a velvet cushion.

I let my lips curve into a delicate half smile as I handed him his tea.  My eyes never left his and I made sure my fingers brushed him as I let go.

" Thank you Miss Hale," he also smiled sweetly; and I knew he was not only thanking me for the tea.

I was aware of him was watching me as I served my parents and finally myself.  I sat opposite him and shot the occasional coy glance at him over the rim of my tea cup.

He was clearly enjoying every moment of this game; especially now I had joined in too.


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