Chapter 19

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Hey guys! I can't believe the process of writing this fic is over... just 2 more chapters and a 2-part epilogue. I'm going to miss writing this so much. Long live Kylux!

But it's definitely not farewell yet. I decided that I won't be writing a book of kylux mini fics, one shots and recs, and that's the bad news. The good news is something that will come a little bit later, and I am absolutely bursting to tell it I'm so excited. So you guys hang tight and I'll tell you the fantabulastical news at the beginning of the last chapter of Training Wheels. -staygoldstiles
"So that's basically what happened with me and Ellen. It's not a big, dramatic story. It just had to be done, we went in our separate directions and I think we're both doing better now." Ben smiled, sipping his passion fruit iced tea.

Hux nodded. "We're actually more alike than I thought we were, Ben. Even the way we broke up with our girlfriends was nearly the same."

The waitress came back to their table with a basket of warm, fresh bread. Hux nodded, thanking her, and she smiled and left. Ben and Hux were at the Cheesecake Factory, and they'd just arrived 15 minutes ago and had already ordered, and were waiting on their meals to come.

After school, Ben had taken a shower, put on jeans and a button-down shirt, and waited until the time rolled around for him to put on cologne and leave to get to the Cheesecake Factory, much to the amusement of Rey. Rey wasn't even mad that Ben was leaving her to 3rd-wheel Finn and Poe, she was just happy that things were okay between Ben and Hux, which was just another one of the endless reasons to why Ben loved her so much. She was selfless (and she shipped Ben and Hux more than Ben shipped him and Hux, so there was that).

Ben bit off a piece of brown bread. He said, "And also, we basically broke it off with them for each other to be honest." Hux laughed at the fact that Ben's mouth was stuffed with bread as he spoke, making Ben laugh along too when he swallowed.

Hux flicked his eyes up to Ben. "Would you like to hold my hand?" He asked softly.

Ben sipped his iced tea again, then looked around cautiously. He looked back at Hux, raising an eyebrow. "Right now?" He hissed.

"Yeah, why not?"

"Brendol," Ben said. He was nervous and he knew it, but he tried to stay calmed. "Why here and why now, anyway?"

"Why not here and why not now?" Hux leaned in towards Ben. "If you're going to be mine, I want everyone to know it."

"I don't know if I'm ready for that yet..." Ben said, but Hux had slowly moved his hand on top of Ben's. He quickly laces his fingers through his, squeezing Ben's hand. Ben knew it was cheesy, but when he did that, Ben felt a little less nervous.

The waitress brought their food, and Ben and Hux continued to hold hands. Hux was ambidextrous, so he could eat his fettuccine Alfredo with his left hand. Ben ate and focused on the warmth of Hux's hand and how it felt in his, and his nervousness completely disappeared.

That was, until Ben felt his shoulder get grabbed. He quickly turned around, only to be greeted by the last face he wanted to see on his perfect night.

"Benjamin Solo." Leia sidled up next to Ben's chair. Ben continued to hold Hux's hand as he looked into his mother's eyes. Leia didn't notice.

"Hello, mother."

Ben heard another voice. It said, "I thought we agreed to let him have both of our names, Leia."

Training Wheels ♥︎ Book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon