Chapter 6

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Once they got to the drama sorority house, it was already jam-packed. Ben and Finn walked inside.

There were already around 200 people dancing and having fun. Ben tried to look for someone he knew and he spotted a few people from his science class. He'd go over to them once Finn left to get Rey.

Ben and Finn decided they'd go over to get food first and they'd do actual partying once Rey was with them (Finn felt guilty having fun without her, which Ben found slightly ridiculous). To Ben it was weird to do that, he and Finn just stood around people-watching and attempting to make awkward conversation before Finn decided to go get Rey 15 minutes later.

Ben spotted the people from his science class again and greeted them. Ben sighed, half-listening to the conversation they were having with each other and saying a thing or 2 at times, but so far, he wasn't really having any fun. Ben thought he really needed to make more friends at college. But these people were obviously really exclusive and not really inviting toward Ben, so he left and sat on one of the couches. He wondered where the hell Hux was.

In a matter of minutes, Ben was squished in the corner of the couch by a couple furiously making out. 'Oh god', Ben thought to himself. 'It's like my freshman year of high school.' Ben squeezed out of the couch and turned a corner, searching for someone to talk to again.

When did Ben become the shy person that has to look for someone to talk to? Where the hell was Hux? When was Finn coming back? Hell, Ben would even take Poe, he seemed really popular and he'd probably introduce Ben to some cool people. But 75% of what was on Ben's mind was Brendol Hux.

Then, Ben saw him.

He was talking to a crowd of people, and he seemed really into the conversation. Out of habit, Ben started to observe his appearance.

He wore his usual hairstyle and was wearing a green and yellow button down shirt with brown pants. He laughed at something the guy he was talking to said. He turned his head and saw Ben. Their eyes locked.

They were both staring at each other and Ben wondered, 'Should I go over there and talk to him? Maybe meet his drama friends? Or would that make me seem uncool or something?' Ben stopped that thought, wondering when he started to care about what people thought. He decided he'd go over to talk to Hux.

Ben started to push his way through the crowd of people to Hux. He looked for where he was, but he had lost sight of him. "Damn." Ben said under his breath.

Suddenly, Hux appeared, smiling at Ben. Ben was shocked. He took a deep breath, and smiled shyly. "Hey, Brendol."

He loved being close to Hux. Studying his bright green eyes and his long golden eyelashes. The lovely spray of freckles that went from cheek to cheek. Listening to his medium thick British accent. Loving the way his lips moved as he talked. To Ben, Hux was a living work of art.

"Hey! Ben!" Hux said excitedly. He leaned in closer to Ben. "You look great by the way." His breath smelled like mint Oreos.

Ben laughed, looking down at the floor and running his fingers through his hair. "Naw. I look like a bug."

Hux made a confused face. He shook his head. "Damn, that self-esteem, mate. You gotta up it a bit. I think you look good." Ben felt himself starting to blush yet again (he really needed to start learning how to control that). Hux asked Ben if he wanted to sit down and talk.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Good to really and get away from the drama."

Hux laughed. "That's funny." He said. "You got jokes, man."

"What's funny? What did I do again?" Oh dear god, here Ben was again, not knowing what he was doing or what he was saying. Hux made him a mess. Today has been so scattered for Ben, one of the most awkward days of his life so far and he probably had a new record for the number of weird conversations he'd had in a day.

Hux laughed again, playfully shoving Ben. Ben's skin tingled in the place Hux had touched him. He laughed nervously. "Ha-ha." Hux mocked Ben. "That was an unintended pun? You said drama, and well, the people I was just talking to were part of the drama department, and I thought you wanted to be alone or something so you made that pun..." Hux drifted off. Ben knew he had probably started to sense the awkwardness. Ben hoped that he couldn't tell why he was nervous.

Ben shook his head. "Oh yeah," he said. "No I didn't mean to make that joke." Ben laughed. "Ok, let's go find a couch or something." He said quickly. 'Goodness' Ben yelled at himself inside his mind.

"Ok, there's 1 outside the kitchen." Hux led Ben to the couch. Ben was in a daze. He promised himself no more weirdness with Hux (or anyone for that matter) for the rest of the night.

Hux led Ben to a plaid patterned couch in front of the kitchen counter. They sat on opposite sides, with Ben stretching his legs out in front of him, half-facing Hux. Hux kicked his legs up on the couch and slung his arm over the front part. He raised his chin at Ben.

"So how are you enjoying the party so far, Ben?"

Ben looked around. "No offense to you or to any of the juniors," Ben started. "But I'm not really feeling the party thing tonight. My friend from English class just went back to my dorm to get my cousin and bring her here. I hardly know anyone in this room, and when I try to talk to people, everybody's been so exclusive. I need to make friends but I can't." Ben sighed and stared at his shoes, then it dawned on him that he'd just spilled his guts to Hux. He looked up to see Hux's reaction. He was nodding his head in sheer sympathy.

"I'm really sorry to hear that." Hux said. "Hey, until your friend and your cousin come back, how about I introduce you to some of my mates form the drama department?" He leaned toward Ben again. "We're a bit crazy, but I bet they'll like you." He whispered.

Ben shrugged, half-smiling. "I don't know, maybe later actually." He said. "I'm still feeling a little shy. I hope that this whole... experience with me hasn't been too awkward for you, Brendol."

Hux smirked. "No, no, it hasn't been awkward for me to be honest." He shrugged. "Hey, do you wanna go upstairs?"

Ben's eyes widened. "What?" He asked stupidly.

"I asked if you want to go upstairs. I could show you my room. I hope you like cats, I've got 1 upstairs. She's really nice, but at the same time she's such a little shit, I swear she pisses off my roommates on purpose just to be miserable." Hux chuckled. "So you wanna get up?"

Ben didn't give himself a lot of time to think. He was going to be in a room alone (besides the cat, obviously) with the guy he was falling in love with. He was obviously nervous, but he was never going to refuse.

"Yeah, of course." Ben found himself saying, smiling at Hux. Hux grinned as he got off the couch. Ben stood up. "I like cats."

Hux gestured to the stairs, mocking a tour guide of some sort. Ben laughed and walked up the stairs, Hux following.

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