26:2 So Not Cheetalicious

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I owe you an apology. I'm so sorry it took me so long to update! I have a good excuse, I promise. I've been so busy with school AND I've had writer's block. I still do, plus I'm sick right now so this chapter isn't the best. Chapter 26 was supposed to be in three parts (I DON'T WANT A CHAPTER 27 BECAUSE 26 IS MY FAVOURITE NUMBER I KNOW I'M BEING STUBBORN BUT IT JUST HDIOOIG THINGS HAVE TO GO MY WAY BECAUSE I AM A PRINCESS), but since I can't seem to write anymore and there's a lot more I need to add, it'll be in four instead. Please vote and comment, regardless of how much this sucks.

Also, I've changed my username from CutieMix to daisyharry, which was completely unplanned and spontaneous. I'm not even sure if I want to keep, but I hope this doesn't cause any confusion. I still have my old username saved on my old account, so if you ever see a CutieMix yelling at a daisyharry I'm talking to myself because I have no friends.

In addition, I'm in charge of hair and makeup for my school play and I'm not sure how this will affect my updating, so please don't kill me bc I already know I suck for delaying every chapter.

Another thing, I'm going to the Demi Lovato/Little Mix concert on February 19th. If any of you are going too and promise not to brutally murder me, I'd love to stop by your seat and holla at you. :)

Anyways, enjoy this ugh chapter. xx


RECAP: it's the concert in case you forgot


The girls were so excited, they could just punch someone in the face. You could even say they were diddlydarnfricklefrackling excited. Actually don’t say that. Everyone you know might ignore you for the rest of your life if that ever came out of your mouth.

But yes, indeed the girls were diddlydarnfricklefrackling excited. So excited, in fact, they didn’t even recognize the five boys’ presence in the front row, too overwhelmed with the loud thunder of applause and hundreds of fan signs.

“ARE YOU READY TO PARTY!?” Sammi shouted at the wild crowd. Suddenly the stadium fell silent. A lone soul in the very back shouted back after a minute or so of thinking, “No, we’re not.” Everyone else murmured in agreement. The lights went off. The concert is over.

Just kidding, none of that happened.

Fae tried to suppress what would have been the world’s largest grin as she brought the microphone up to her lips, feeling hashtag turned up, the beat of Really Don’t Care blasting over the roar of people, and sang the very first line of the very first song on the setlist of their very first tour. 

The very first, if it wasn't emphasized enough.

Eponine and Sammi joined in during the chorus, moving about the stage according to the choreography they knew better than the back of their hand, although Sammi danced like a sloth. Perceive that any way you want to.

Eppy danced around giddily, making her way towards the front of the stage for her solo, happier than she was when the Cheetah Girls got back together in the first movie.

Just as she finished singing her solo, something caught her eye in the front and she almost fell over, her eyes blinded and her mind dizzying, and not because of the stage lights furiously shining on her.

Payne in the AssNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ